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john_brock edited this page Jan 6, 2011 · 2 revisions

I am using Eclipse and Maven for a number of Java projects. For our development we use "Run Jetty Run" to launch a Jetty servlet really quickly. I'd like to use this combo for JRuby + Rails development - leveraging many of the benefits of these tools that I've worked hard on learning.

0 - Initial Setup

  • create a test project
  • create a test rails app
  • create a pom.xml in your test project

1 - Run Jetty Run

If you don't have it and want to try - you can add the site (and install) to your Eclipse feature sites

2 - Maven

I'm going to assume that you're familiar with Maven. What I've determined you'll need at a minimum is the following additional dependencies:

3 - Setting up your webapp

Create a directory "src/main/webapp/WEB-INF" if necessary

Create a web.xml web.xml file

4 - Copy (symlink) over your Rails app. I'd prefer to put it into a subdirectory rather than just toss into the webapp dir. So make a subdir like "WEB-INF/rails" and toss your entire rails app in there. You can change the name of this directory in the web.xml file - look for "rails.root"

So you'll have a directory structure like:


5 - Adding your gems

Put them in "src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/gems". Make sure this directory exists before using the commands:

 plus add your own

6 - Create your Run Jetty Run configuration

  • Open Eclipse's Run Dialog
  • Add a new "Jetty Webapp"
    • Set the project to this Test Project
    • Set the context to something you like like jrails
    • Set the WebApp dir to "src/main/webapp"
  • Apply
  • Run

7 - You should be able to point your browser to http://localhost:8080/jrails/

8 - Watch your console - debug ad naseum - amend these instructions

9 - Use Maven to make your WAR file when ready

 mvn clean war:exploded


 mvn clean war:war

I just figured this out - so I haven't used the config extensively. As I discover more things I will come back and put in debugging tips.

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