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Releases: nikolamilosevic86/TabInOut

New project structure

06 Jul 14:03
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New version of TableInOut, contains a new folder and project structure, where user has to define variables first and then under each variable user can define rules.

We also included in project one sample project for extracting baseline characteristics from respiratory studies (such as FEV1, PEF, Age, Gender, ACQ, AQLQ, SGRQ).

Working version before change of the GUI Structure

22 Jun 15:14
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This is the version of the TableInOut that all case studies in my thesis were done with. We are changing the structure of the GUI, and therefore we make a release before it was made.

All features are included - making and running rules for IE from tables (rules are independent - new change will modify this) preprocesed using TableDisentangler.