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tima edited this page Apr 2, 2011 · 1 revision


An absolute path where additional external perl libraries are found. Admins can specify multiple PERL5LIB paths to indicate multiple locations in which to search for external libraries.

This directive is the functional equivalent of the PERL5LIB directive found in many other common Unix tools such as bash or Apache.

The PERL5LIB directive is particularly helpful in shared hosting environments where you are unable to install libraries in the system directories perl will use by default. To resolve this situation you can create a local lib/ for the perl modules you need to run Melody and have it used by the system.


PERL5LIB /home/my_username/perl/lib/

Unlike a directive like PluginPath Melody will continue to search Melody's lib, extlib, addon lib, and plugin lib paths in addition to perl's library paths. There is no need to relist them in Melody's configuration file.

For a brief period during the Melody 1.0 development cycle this directive was PerlLocalLibPath. This directive should no longer be used in favor of PERL5LIB instead.

  • Categories: Appendix: Configuration Directives
  • Tags: config, perl, extlib, local-lib
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