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Downloading and Compiling OpenRasta

nmosafi edited this page Feb 12, 2012 · 12 revisions


OpenRasta is split into a number of self-contained packages which need to be downloaded separately. At a minimum you will require openrasta-core, and if you want to serve HTML content it is recommended you choose a codec such as openrasta-codecs-webforms or openrasta-codecs-razor. For hosting within IIS on Windows, you will need the openrasta-hosting-aspnet package. A full list of OpenRasta Packages is also available.

CI Builds

You can download the latest builds for each module from the continuous integration build server at The artifacts of each build contains a zip of the package’s .dlls as well as a .wrap file for those of us using openwrap


OpenRasta’s build requires the use of the ILMerge tool. Because of its licensing, it cannot be redistributed as part of OpenRasta.

Once the code has been downloaded in the folder of your choice and you have ilmerge installed, navigate to that folder, and build using the provided make.bat script.

c:\src\openrasta-core> make.bat

This will have generated the OpenRasta dlls you will need. All the binaries should now be in the openrasta-core\bin\release folder.

Using the assemblies

Once the build is complete, you will find the assemblies in /bin/Release.

  • bin/Release
    • net-20: The OpenRasta assemblies for .net 2.0
    • net-30: The OpenRasta assemblies for .net 3.0
    • net-35: The OpenRasta assemblies for .net 3.5

You will need to select the correct binaries for your target environment. Trying to use the 2.0 binaries for a web application running 3.5 will fail. To know what is in each version, see the list of Functionality by .NET Framework Version.

Running Tests

For more info about running the tests, see Running OpenRasta's Tests

Next: Packages