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simonthorogood edited this page Dec 12, 2010 · 1 revision

OpenRasta supports serialization of a resource using one of .NET’s most familiar classes, XmlSerializer. Use this codec when you need support for attributes in your representation – for example, when rendering to support an xsd which uses XML attributes. As with “normal” usage of XmlSerializer, you will either need to mark up your resource class with appropriate attributes indicating how the resource should be serialized or implement IXmlSerializable.

Registering the codec

Whenever you want to render a resource using the XmlSerializerCodec, use the following form:

                 /* your handler declaration */

When to use

The XmlSerializerCodec is slightly slower than other data contract-based codecs such as JsonDataContractCodec. However, the benefit is that you gain significant control over rendered XML. In particular, you gain support for attributes and as such this codec is a good choice when rendering to a format which has been specified in detail (e.g. has a schema).