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This repo is intended to help provide a common development context for anyone wishing to contibute to the chef-freight cookbook for Opscode Chef.

What problems does this approach aim to solve?

  • We each spend time setting up a dev environment for developing each cookbook. We should share.
  • We shouldn't need to laboriously explain context on quirky behaviour (unless it's an explanation of why we've arrived at work with no pants). We should be able to say "Spin up my environment at commit af2c21e2a2 and run sudo toomanyclowns -v and check out the errors. Any idea what's causing that?"

Recommended Conventions

  • metadata.json is generated dynamically from metadata.rb, and so should be in the .gitignore


Tools that this project was created in mind with. (My current versions are specified for transparency, but you can omit those to simply get the most recent ones.)

I do all my development on OSX, but any *nix system should be smooth sailing. Windows may be... unsmooth... like waterfalls and schooner-devouring whirlpools. And probably laser-sharks.

Required: Vagrant, Librarian

$ sudo gem install vagrant   -v 0.8.7
$ sudo gem install librarian -v 0.0.12

Recommended: Chef (for knife command-line tool), Vagrant Snap, Hub (Git + Hub = GitHub)

$ sudo gem install chef         -v 0.10.4
$ sudo gem install vagrant-snap -v 0.09

$ sudo curl -sLo /smthng/on/PATH/hub
$ sudo chmod 755 /smthng/on/PATH/hub
$ alias git=hub


$ git fork patcon/chef-freight                  # Forks my cookbook repo (to your Github)
$ git fork patcon/freight-cooking               # Forks this dev repo
$ git clone -p freight-cooking                  # Clones your new dev repo via SSH
$ cd freight-cooking
$ sed -ie 's/patcon/yourusername/g' .gitmodules # Points submodules to your cookbook repo
$ git submodule init && git submodule update    # Pulls in outside submodules (yours)
$ librarian-chef install                        # Installs cookbooks from Cheffile.lock
$ vagrant up                                    # Spins up VM according to this repo
$ vagrant ssh_config >> ~/.ssh/config 
$ ssh freight-cooking                           # SSH into your new box


This repo is intended to help provide a common development context for anyone wishing to contibute to the chef-freight cookbook for Opscode Chef.






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