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How to enable Travis CI for an extension

johnmuhl edited this page Jun 6, 2012 · 7 revisions

Travis CI is a flexible and easy to use continuous integration server; see the Getting Started page for more details. The flexibility means that there are any number of ways to setup and test your extensions. Here is one way.

First you need to add a .travis.yml file to the root of your repository.

  - 1.8.7
  - 1.9.2
  - 1.9.3

before_script: "./spec/ci/before_script"

script: "./spec/ci/script"

  - RADIANT_VERSION=0.9.1 DB=mysql
  - RADIANT_VERSION=0.9.1 DB=postgres
  - RADIANT_VERSION=1.0.0 DB=mysql
  - RADIANT_VERSION=1.0.0 DB=postgres
  - RADIANT_VERSION=master DB=mysql
  - RADIANT_VERSION=master DB=postgres

# older versions of radiant do not run on ruby 1.9.x
# use matrix exclusions to prevent them running
    - rvm: 1.9.2
      env: RADIANT_VERSION=0.9.1 DB=mysql
    - rvm: 1.9.2
      env: RADIANT_VERSION=0.9.1 DB=postgres
    - rvm: 1.9.3
      env: RADIANT_VERSION=0.9.1 DB=mysql
    - rvm: 1.9.3
      env: RADIANT_VERSION=0.9.1 DB=postgres


The rvm array shows the Ruby versions you want to test against; since Radiant 1.0 supports the three latest Ruby releases your extension should too. Likewise the env array list Radiant version/database combinations to test against; the Radiant version can be any tag or branch name.

Next up we need to create the before_script referenced above. The before_script is run before your tests and sets up a complete Radiant environment within which your tests will be run.

cd ~
git clone git://
cd ~/radiant
if [[ $RADIANT_VERSION != "master" ]]
cp -r ~/builds/*/YOUR_REPOSITORY_NAME vendor/extensions/YOUR_EXTENSION_NAME
bundle install

case $DB in
  "mysql" )
    mysql -e 'create database radiant_test;'
    cp spec/ci/database.mysql.yml config/database.yml;;
  "postgres" )
    psql -c 'create database radiant_test;' -U postgres
    cp spec/ci/database.postgresql.yml config/database.yml;;

bundle exec rake db:migrate
bundle exec rake db:migrate:extensions

Replace YOUR_REPOSITORY_NAME and YOUR_EXTENSION_NAME in the before_script with the actual name of your repo and extension; e.g. radiant-sheets-extension and sheets respectively. Don't forget to make this script executable before committing it to your repository.

Finally we need to create the script file. This is the script that actually executes your tests.

cd ~/radiant
bundle exec rake spec:extensions EXT=YOUR_EXTENSION_NAME

Again you need to replace YOUR_EXTENSION_NAME with the real thing and make the script executable.

All that's left to do is login to Travis, enable the commit-hook for you repository and push. Head over to and click the "Sign in with GitHub" link. Once you've authorized through GitHub visit your profile page on Travis, find the extension to enable and flick the switch to on.

Now you're ready to commit and push the .travis.yml, before_script and script files and let Travis handle the rest. If you want to know more about all the options you have with Travis the documentation is very good. You can see an example of this setup in action on the Sheets extension or check out what it looks like to have your specs run by Travis by visiting the Travis page for Sheets. Once setup Travis will run your tests after every commit unless you add [ci skip] to the commit message (which is good practice when pushing documentation or other commits that don't affect functionality).

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