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Installing Extensions

johnmuhl edited this page Aug 24, 2010 · 17 revisions

Before you can install extensions you have to know what extensions are available. Fortunately, Radiant has a central location where extension authors can register their work, this Extension Registry will often be the best place to go for extensions. Additionally, extensions located in this registry can be easily installed using Radiant’s built-in extension management script.

Currently, most extension development happens on GitHub – so, if possible, you should install Git. Instructions for Linux, Mac OS and Windows are available if you need help. Having Git installed is not required, but it gives you access to a wider range of extensions and makes installing them easier. In almost all cases you’ll never need to use the Git tools directly, so don’t worry that you’re suddenly going to need to learn how to use Git just to install an extension, Radiant’s extension management tools aim to hide the dirty work behind a few easy-to-remember commands.

GitHub is also a good secondary source of extensions that aren’t yet in the registry, however, if the extension isn’t in the registry the built-in extension management scripts can’t install it. To ease the installation of extensions directly from GitHub there is the Ray extension.

Using the built-in scripts

Once you’ve located the extension you want from the registry installing it as easy as:

cd /path/to/radiant
./script/extension install extension_name

For example if you wanted the Help Extension you would run:

cd /path/to/radiant
./script/extension install help

Then you just restart your application server and you’re ready to go.

By default this installs into development, so to install for eg production prefix this command with the RAILS_ENV:

cd /path/to/radiant
env RAILS_ENV=production script/extension install help

If script/extension install produces errors like

rake aborted!
Don't know how to build task 'radiant:extensions:help:migrate'

it’s likely that the extension installed fine and just doesn’t actually require migrate or upgrade tasks. If the extension doesn’t actually work check for any extra instructions on the extension’s Github homepage.

Manual installation

As long as you can find a direct download URL for an extension, you can install it without needing tools such as Git or Subversion. Again as an example we’ll use the “help” extension.

cd /path/to/radiant/vendor/extensions
tar xzvf saturnflyer-radiant-help-extension-*.tar.gz
mv saturnflyer-radiant-help-extension-* help
cd /path/to/radiant
rake radiant:extensions:help:migrate
rake radiant:extensions:help:update

Then restart your application server.

If you’re getting Could not load extension from file errors read the Note on extension naming below.

Using Ray

First you need Ray installed, if you have Git installed run:

cd /path/to/radiant
./script/extension install ray

If you don’t have Git use the manual installation method. Once you have Ray installed you could install the help extension by running:

cd /path/to/radiant
rake ray:extension:install name=help

This will install the extension regardless whether or not you have Git installed.

You can also use Ray to search for extensions on GitHub by running:

# Ray's search only accepts a single term
rake ray:extension:search term=help

Note on extension directory naming

This section only applies to manual installation. If you used Radiant’s built-in ./script/extension install command, or Ray, you can ignore the following.

In order to correctly load extensions, Radiant needs the extension’s directory name to match the extension’s (class) name.

The matching rule is the standard Rails camelcase <→ snakecase rule. For example, for an extension called “Foo” the extension directory name must be named “foo”. And for an extension named “FooBar”, the directory name must be “foo_bar”. If you fail to follow this convention, Radiant will fail to load the extension and the application won’t start. You’ll get an error when migrating the database like:

Could not load extension from file: some_extension.
#<NameError: uninitialized constant SomeExtension>

How to know an extension’s real name? For that look inside the extension directory for a file whose name ends in “_extension.rb”. That’s the extension’s main load file. The extension’s real name is the name before that ending. In the previous examples, that file would be called “foo_extension.rb” and “foo_bar_extension.rb” respectively.

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