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Installing on Heroku

franciscoj edited this page Apr 29, 2011 · 22 revisions

The Heroku blog has an article covering the few simple steps it takes to get Radiant 0.7.1 running there.

Radiant Edge on the Bamboo Ruby Enterprise Edition 1.8.7 stack

The following instructions assume you already have a working Ruby environment and your Heroku account setup. For more information on installing Ruby refer to and and for setting up your Heroku account.

First install the necessary Rubygems and perform the basic Radiant setup:

gem install rack --version 1.0.1
gem install radiant sqlite3-ruby heroku taps compass
radiant -d sqlite3 heroku_radiant
cd heroku_radiant
git clone git:// vendor/radiant
cd vendor/radiant
git submodule init
git submodule update
rm -rf `find . -name .git`
rm .gitmodules
cd ../../
rake gems:install
rake radiant:update
rake db:bootstrap

Start your server with ./script/server and confirm everything is working locally. If it is shutdown your local application server and start it in production mode by running ./script/server -e production. Now go to http://localhost:3000/admin. By visiting this URL the all.js file will be created (all.js contains all of the javascript required for the Radiant admin UI concatenated into a single file). Don’t worry about bootstrapping the production database; it isn’t necessary in order for the all.js file to be created. If you don’t do this you’ll get an application error when you deploy to Heroku because the read-only file system restriction won’t allow Radiant to create the file on Heroku’s servers.

Now create a .gitignore file in the root of your Radiant project which contains the following:


Then initialize a new git repository and perform your initial commit:

git init
git add .
git commit -m 'initial commit'

Now you’re ready to prepare your application for deployment to Heroku. Start by creating a .gems file in the root of your project which includes the following (note: the Rails gem is not actually needed for Radiant but Heroku’s Bamboo stack currently requires it to be listed in your manifest or else your push will be rejected):

rails --version 2.3.5
will_paginate --version '~> 2.3.11'

Then commit your .gems file to your repository by running:

git add .gems
git commit -m 'add gem manifest file'

Finally you need to create your Heroku application and push your Radiant project for deployment by running:

heroku create --stack bamboo-ree-1.8.7
heroku db:push
git push heroku master

Now you can visit your deployed Radiant project by running heroku open.

Radiant 0.9.1 (gem) on the Bamboo Ruby Enterprise Edition 1.8.7 stack

The following instructions extracted from the Radiant Edge on the Bamboo Ruby Enterprise Edition 1.8.7 stack (read it first, pls.) and describing the different steps only.

Install the necessary Rubygems and perform the basic Radiant setup:

gem install radiant
gem install sqlite3-ruby heroku taps rack
radiant -d sqlite3 heroku_radiant
cd heroku_radiant
rake db:bootstrap

Creating a .gems file in the root of your project which includes the following:

rails --version 2.3.8
will_paginate --version '~> 2.3.11'
radiant --version 0.9.1

Radiant 0.8.1

You can omit RSpec from your .gems manifest file.

The advice in the Heroku article about putting your cache into tmp no longer applies: as of 234a33c7592e536431625bcc0e82d939d8fb83cb, the default cache location is in tmp.

Radiant 0.8.0

You can omit RSpec from your .gems manifest file.

The advice in the Heroku article about putting your cache into tmp doesn’t work exactly the same. Instead edit your environment.rb file like:

config.middleware.use ::Radiant::Cache,
  :entitystore => "radiant:tmp/cache/entity",
  :metastore => "radiant:tmp/cache/meta"

Also if you want the page cache to be cleared on page save (or ever really) you’ll also need to hack on RADIANT_ROOT/lib/radiant/cache.rb search for the lines:

def initialize(root="#{Rails.root}/cache/entity")
def initialize(root="#{Rails.root}/cache/meta")

and change them to:

def initialize(root="#{Rails.root}/tmp/cache/entity")
def initialize(root="#{Rails.root}/tmp/cache/meta")


Note: If you use the Markdown or SmartyPants text filters you might also want to consider adding RDiscount to your .gems manifest file. RDiscount is considerably faster and less error prone than BlueCloth.

rdiscount --version '>= 1.3.5'

Note if you use pow on development.

If you use pow on development with a custom file, don’t push the file or you will have problems with your static assets returning a 404 error.

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