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richardszalay edited this page Sep 14, 2010 · 8 revisions

Converts a method that returns an AsyncToken into an observable sequence.

static function fromEvent(valueClass : Class, 
    asyncMethod : Function, args : Array) : IObservable.<valueClass>

Where asyncMethod is function(... args) : AsyncToken


The returned sequence is cold, causing it to execute asyncMethod for each subscriber. To share the subsciption between multiple subscribers, use a sharing operator.

The returned sequence completes after emitting the result value if the AsyncToken calls IResponder.result

The returned sequence emits an error if the returned AsyncToken calls IResponder.fault

Marble Diagrams

token = AsyncToken returned by f(args)
token  ───────────────────────o
output ───────────────────────o/
token  ───────────────────────x
output ───────────────────────x/

Return Value



var service : WebService = new WebService();

Observable.fromAsyncToken(PayloadType, service.serviceMethod, [1, 2])
        function(payload : PayloadType) : void { trace("Service method returned"); },
        function():void { trace("Completed!"); },
        function(e:Error):void { trace("Service raised a fault: " + e.message); }

// If successful, trace output is:
// Service method returned
// Completed!

// If unsuccessful, trace output is:
// Service raised a fault: <error message>