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richardszalay edited this page May 20, 2011 · 8 revisions

Converts a function into an observable sequence that will accept its arguments at a later time.

static function toAsync(action : Function, scheduler : IScheduler = null) : Function

Where action is function(... any) : TResult


toAsync can be thought of as a callLater equivalent, except the return value of the function is accessible.

The return value accepts the same arguments as action but returns an observable sequence (of valueClass) that can be subscribed to. Subscribing to the returned sequence calls the original action with the argument specified and emits the return value of the function as a value and then completes.


Unless specified, Scheduler.asynchronous will be used to schedule the call to action.

Return Value

function(... args) : IObservable.<TResult>


var asyncAction : Function = Obervable.toAsync(function(x : int) : int
    return x * 2;

var callWithFive : IObservable = asyncAction(5);

    function(value : String) : void { trace(value); },
    function():void { trace("Completed"); }

// Trace output is:
// (After the next frame)
// 10
// Completed