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FAQ: What happens if I send to an old Monero address, e.g. by mistake?

René Brunner edited this page Jan 22, 2023 · 2 revisions

You won't be able to. That mistake can't happen.

Seraphis wallet apps will only accept new Jamtis-style addresses and reject any "old" 95-character Monero addresses.

If continue to use an old wallet app after the Seraphis hardfork it will of course continue to accept old addresses as it ever did, but the resulting transaction won't execute: A Monero daemon running on Seraphis will reject the transaction as invalid, and an "old" / pre-hardfork Monero daemon will be cut off from the network which will likewise prevent the transaction from going through.

More Info

In the unlikely event that the Seraphis hardfork leads to a chain split and the "old" Monero network lives on, it would of course be possible to send your transaction with a pre-Seraphis wallet and daemon, using old Monero addresses, but you won't be able to send any funds to somebody on the new Seraphis based network, and the funds won't reach the wallet that once had the corresponding old address.

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