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FAQ: Will my seed still work with Seraphis?

René Brunner edited this page Feb 6, 2023 · 2 revisions


Monero's current 25-word seeds, 24 words plus a checksum word, will continue to work indefinitely, regardless of Seraphis or any other hardforks.

Further Info

Basically a Monero seed encodes the 256 bits of the spend secret key which is in a way the foundation of every Monero wallet. If you migrate a current wallet to a Seraphis wallet, much will change, but that spend secret key will stay the same, and thus your seed will be able to restore the Seraphis wallet as well.

There is a new seed scheme called Polyseed with 16 words and improvements in user experience, most notably encoding the so-called restore height. Find more about it e.g. here. This may get introduced earlier than the hardfork to Seraphis and Jamtis, but support for 25-word seeds will stay alongside in any case.

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