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Scala Tracker v0.2

Mike Jongbloet edited this page Jan 11, 2021 · 7 revisions

Our documentation has moved!

🚧 This documentation is for an old version of the Scala tracker. The latest documentation can be found on the Snowplow documentation site.

This page refers to version 0.2.0 of the Snowplow Scala Tracker.


1. Overview

The Snowplow Scala Tracker allows you to track Snowplow events in your Scala apps and servers.

The tracker should be straightforward to use if you are comfortable with Scala development; any prior experience with Snowplow's Python Tracker, JavaScript Tracker, Android and Java Tracker, Google Analytics or Mixpanel (which have similar APIs to Snowplow) is helpful but not necessary.

There are three main classes which the Scala Tracker uses: subjects, emitters, and trackers.

A subject represents a single user whose events are tracked, and holds data specific to that user.

A tracker always has one active subject at a time associated with it. The default subject only has "platform=server" configured, but you can replace it with a subject containing more data. The tracker constructs events with that subject and sends them to one or more emitters, which sends them on to a Snowplow collector.

2. Initialization

2.1 Tracker

Assuming you have completed the Scala Tracker Setup, you are ready to initialize the Scala Tracker.

import com.snowplowanalytics.snowplow.scalatracker._
import com.snowplowanalytics.snowplow.scalatracker.emitters._

val emitter1 = AsyncEmitter.createAndStart("")
val emitter2 = new SyncEmitter("", port = 8080)
val emitter3 = AsyncBatchEmitter.createAndStart(host = "", port = 8080, bufferSize = 32)
val tracker = new Tracker(List(emitter1, emitter2, emitter3), "mytrackername", "myapplicationid")

The above code:

  • creates a non-blocking emitter, emitter1, which sends events to "" on the default port, port 80
  • creates a blocking emitter, emitter2, which sends events to "" on port 8080
  • creates a non-blocking batch emitter3, which will buffer events until buffer size reach 32 events and then send all of them at once in POST request
  • creates a tracker which can be used to send events to all emitters

2.2 Subject

You can configure a subject with extra data and attach it to the tracker so that the data will be attached to every event:

val subject = new Subject()

2.3 EC2 Context

Amazon Elastic Cloud can provide basic information about instance running your app. You can add this informational as additional custom context to all sent events by enabling it in Tracker after initializaiton of your tracker:


3. Sending events

Create a Snowplow unstructured event self-describing JSON using the json4s DSL:

import org.json4s.JsonDSL._

val productViewEvent = SelfDescribingJson(
  ("userType" -> "tester") ~ ("sku" -> "0000013")

Send it using the trackUnstructEvent tracker method:


You can attach any number of custom contexts to an event:

val pageTypeContext = SelfDescribingJson(
  ("type" -> "promotional") ~ ("backgroundColor" -> "red")

val userContext = SelfDescribingJson(
  ("userType" -> "tester")

t.trackUnstructEvent(productViewEvent, List(pageTypeContext, userContext))

A timestamp will automatically be attached to every event. You can override this timestamp by providing your own. It should be in milliseconds since the Unix epoch:

tracker.trackUnstructEvent(productViewEvent, Nil, Some(1432806619000L))

Currently supported methods are:

  • trackUnstructEvent
  • trackStructEvent
  • trackPageView

4. Subject methods

A list of the methods used to add data to the Subject class.

4.1 Set the platform with setPlatform

The default platform is Server. These are the available alternatives, all available in the package com.snowplowanalytics.snowplow.scalatracker:


Example usage


4.2 Set the user ID with setUserId

You can make the user ID a string of your choice:


4.3 Set the screen resolution with setScreenResolution

If your Scala code has access to the device's screen resolution, you can pass it in to Snowplow. Both numbers should be positive integers; note the order is width followed by height. Example:

subject.setScreenResolution(1366, 768)

4.4 Set the viewport dimensions with setViewport

Similarly, you can pass the viewport dimensions in to Snowplow. Again, both numbers should be positive integers and the order is width followed by height. Example:

subject.setViewport(300, 200)

4.5 Set the color depth with setColorDepth

If your Scala code has access to the bit depth of the device's color palette for displaying images, you can pass it in to Snowplow. The number should be a positive integer, in bits per pixel.


4.6 Setting the timezone with setTimezone

If your Scala code has access to the timezone of the device, you can pass it in to Snowplow:

subject.setTimezone("Europe London")

4.8 Setting the IP address with setIpAddress

If you have access to the user's IP address, you can set it like this:


4.9 Setting the domain user ID with setDomainUserId

The domain_userid field of the Snowplow event model corresponds to the ID stored in the first party cookie set by the Snowplow JavaScript Tracker. If you want to match up server-side events with client-side events, you can set the domain user ID for server-side events like this:


4.10 Setting the network user ID with setNetworkUserId

The network_user_id field of the Snowplow event model corresponds to the ID stored in the third party cookie set by the Snowplow Clojure Collector and Scala Stream Collector. You can set the network user ID for server-side events like this:


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