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Idioms and Antipatterns

S.Y. Lee edited this page Feb 10, 2023 · 19 revisions

Idioms and Antipatterns

Here is a list of idioms and antipatterns in SymPy. You should use the former, and avoid the latter.

Please edit this page with any idioms or antipatterns that you know of. Don't worry about organization too much.

For most antipatterns, try to add an example of how it should be done instead.


Rebuilding an expression

Rebuild an expression using expr.func(*expr.args).

Args invariants

When creating custom subclasses of Basic or Expr, make sure that it satisfies expr == expr.func(*expr.args). Many very basic functions in SymPy rely on this idiom to modify an expression and rebuild it, such as subs.


TODO: How to properly subclass Basic and Expr (and when to).


Unpacking singleton args

If a function accepts *args don't unpack the args if there is only one and there is any chance that a sequence might make sense as an argument:


def func(*args):
    if len(args) == 1 and is_sequence(args[0]):
        args = args[0]


def func(*args):
    if len(args) == 1 and is_sequence(args[0]):
        raise ValueError('not expecting sequence as an argument')


It is sometimes hard to predict when a sequence might make sense as an element in the args and there is no way to correct this later without a backwards compatibility break.

Python chooses to do unpacking for min, for example

>>> min(1, 2)
>>> min([1, 2])

But lists can actually be compared

>>> args = ([1,3],[2])
>>> max(*args)

The deviation from "preferably only one" way of handling args will eventually bite you:

>>> args = ([1,3],)
>>> max(*args)  # not the maximum arg, the maximum of the singleton sequence!


This is not the same thing as allowing multiple interpretations of arguments as in range(5) and range(1, 5) where the first argument (in context) might imply that it is the second argument and a default value should be used for the first argument.

Wild and match

When using Wild, be sure to use the exclude keyword to make the pattern deterministic.


x, y = Symbols("x y")
a, b = Wild('a'), Wild('b')
(2*x + 3*y).match(a*x + b*y)


x, y = Symbols("x y")
a, b = Wild('a', exclude=[x, y]), Wild('b', exclude=[x, y])
(2*x + 3*y).match(a*x + b*y)


Without the exclude pattern, you may get matches that are technically correct, but not what you wanted. This is especially likely if the expression you are matching doesn't actually match your pattern. For example, using the above without exclude:

>>> (2 + 3*y).match(a*x + b*y)
{a: 2/x, b: 3}

This is technically correct, because (2/x)*x + 3*y == 2 + 3*y, but you probably wanted it to not match at all. The issue is that you really didn't want a and b to include x and y, and the exclude parameter lets you specify exactly this. With the exclude parameter, the above match gives None, meaning it did not match.

Strings as input

Don't use strings as input to functions. Rather, create the objects symbolically using Symbols and the appropriate SymPy functions, and manipulate them.


>>> simplify("(x**2 + x)/x")
x + 1


>>> x = Symbol('x')
>>> simplify((x**2 + x)/x)
x + 1


Support for string input is in many ways accidental. It only happens because functions call sympify() on their input to ensure that it is a SymPy object, and sympify() translates strings. Support for this may go away in a future version.

There are many disadvantages to using strings:

  • They are not explicit. They make code much harder to read.

  • sympify() automatically turns all undefined names into Symbols of Functions, so if you have a typo, the string will still parse correctly, but the output will not be what you expect. For example

>>> expand_trig("sine(x + y)")
sine(x + y)
>>> expand_trig(sine(x + y))
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<ipython-input-41-a8617eceeca5>", line 1, in <module>
expand_trig(sine(x + y))
NameError: name 'sine' is not defined
>>> expand_trig(sin(x + y))
sin(x)*cos(y) + sin(y)*cos(x)

In the first example, sine, a typo for sin is parsed into Function("sine"), and it appears that expand_trig cannot handle it. In the second case, we immediately get an error from the undefined name sine, and fixing our typo, we see that expand_trig can indeed do what we want.

  • See also the section on S('x') in the "Creating Symbols" section below. Symbol names can contain any character, including things that aren't valid Python. But using strings as input will pass the string to sympify, even the argument to the function requires a Symbol. For example,
>>> x = Symbol('2x')
>>> solve(x - 1, x)
>>> solve(x - 1, '2x')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<ipython-input-12-71e92ee34319>", line 1, in <module>
    solve(Symbol('2d') - 1, '2d ')
  File "/Users/aaronmeurer/Documents/Python/sympy/sympy/sympy/solvers/", line 672, in solve
    f, symbols = (_sympified_list(w) for w in [f, symbols])
  File "/Users/aaronmeurer/Documents/Python/sympy/sympy/sympy/solvers/", line 672, in <genexpr>
    f, symbols = (_sympified_list(w) for w in [f, symbols])
  File "/Users/aaronmeurer/Documents/Python/sympy/sympy/sympy/solvers/", line 663, in _sympified_list
    return map(sympify, w if iterable(w) else [w])
  File "/Users/aaronmeurer/Documents/Python/sympy/sympy/sympy/core/", line 297, in sympify
    raise SympifyError('could not parse %r' % a, exc)
SympifyError: Sympify of expression 'could not parse u'2d'' failed, because of exception being raised:
SyntaxError: invalid syntax (<string>, line 1)
  • If you use strings, syntax errors won't be caught until the line is run. If you build up the expressions, syntax errors will be caught when Python compiles the script before any of it runs.

  • In code editors that do syntax highlighting, strings will be highlighted all one color, whereas Python expressions will be highlighted according to their actual content.

  • As mentioned, they are not officially supported or tested, and so may go away at any time.

Creating Symbols

There are several ways to create Symbols:

  1. x = Symbol('x').
  2. x, y, z = map(Symbol, 'xyz')
  3. var('x y z')
  4. from import x, y, z
  5. x = S('x') # or sympify('x')
  6. Using isympy -a
  7. x, y, z = symbols('x y z')

There are also some variations on the above. For example, 7 can also be spelled symbols('x,y,z') or symbols('x:z').

The recommended way to create Symbols is to use Symbol for single symbol and symbols for multiple symbols,
i.e., number 7. Some of the other methods are useful when working interactively, but should be avoided when writing more permanent code.
Here is a discussion on each of the above:

  1. x = Symbol('x')

    This way is a good way for creating a single Symbol. Symbol is the class of Symbol, so creating a Symbol this way calls the constructor directly. The one situation where this method is more convenient than symbols is if you wish to create a Symbol with a character in the name that will be parsed by symbols, such as a space, ,, or :. (To do this with symbols requires escaping the special characters.)

  2. x, y, z = map(Symbol, 'xyz')

    There is no reason to do this. Just use symbols instead. It is easier to read, and has nice syntax for things like numbered symbols (see below). Also, map works differently than symbols (if you put in space, you will get the wrong thing), and it is harder to create multi character Symbols with this method.

  3. var('x y z')

    var uses the exact same syntax as symbols. The difference is that var automatically injects Symbols into the namespace. Thus, it is sufficient to type just var('x y z') instead of x, y, z = var('x y z'). There are a few reasons this should be avoided in permanent places like scripts, libraries, and notebooks. First, it is harder to read, both by humans and by libraries that parse source code. Second, it uses inspect.currentframe to inject the symbols, which is not guaranteed to always work. For example, it may not behave as expected in certain nested scopes, or in alternate Python implementations from CPython.

  4. from import x, y, z

    This method is convenient, and should work fine. The biggest disadvantage to using is that it does not generalize to Symbol names that are not single letters. On the other hand, symbols, which is about as much typing, does. Also, SymPy defines some single-letter names such as I and Q, which would get overwritten by from import I or from import *.

  5. x = S('x')

    sympify will create Symbols, but this is just a side effect of its string parsing abilities (see also the previous section). The biggest issue here is that if you mistype something (or heaven forbid you use pass user-input through this), it will create that whole expression instead of the Symbol.

  6. isympy -a

    This is the easiest way to work interactively and not have to worry about defining Symbol names. With the -a option, isympy will automatically parse input for undefined names and convert them to Symbols. This requires IPython to work. The disadvantage here is that if you later wish to move something you wrote to a script, you will need to define all the Symbols. Another disadvantage is that if you mistype a function name, it will create a Symbol for it, instead of failing with NameError as usual. There are some other subtleties with this method. See the section on -a in isympy --help for more info.

  7. x, y, z = symbols('x y z')

    This is the best way to create multiple Symbols. It works for single symbols (x = symbols('x')), but generalizes easily to multiple symbols.
    It has convenient syntax for creating multiple Symbols at once. For example, symbols('x0:5'), or just symbols('x:5') will create x0, x1, x2, x3, x4. symbols('a:z') will create a Symbol for every lowercase letter in the English alphabet. symbols also generalizes to other Symbol-like classes, like Wild or Dummy (or actually, any class that takes a string argument). Just use x, y, z = symbols('x y z', cls=Dummy). See the docstring of symbols for more information on what this function can do.

  8. map(Symbol, ['x', 'y', 'z']) or [Symbol(s) for s in ['x', 'y', 'z']]

    This has disadvantage over symbols for simple cases because it is longer to write down, However, if you have a program that generates the names of symbols as list of strings, it is sufficient to use iteration, list comprehension, or map to generate the symbol instances because it guarantees to preserve the structure of the list. It is rather not recommended to use symbols for that case because the parser can break down the names.

In summary


Don't use sympify (2 or 5) to create Symbols.


Do use symbols (number 7). If you are working strictly interactively, use var or isympy -a to avoid the hassle of creating symbols. Symbol('x') and from import x are OK, but are not as general as symbols.

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