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vperic edited this page Jul 22, 2011 · 5 revisions

This page will document the steps I used to install Jenkins, so that they can be reproduced if needed. Links and a copy of the required instructions are provided.

First I followed this page to install Jenkins:


wget -q -O - | sudo apt-key add -
sudo echo "deb binary/" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/jenkins.list
sudo aptitude update
sudo aptitude install jenkins

What does this package do?

Jenkins will be launched as a daemon up on start. See /etc/init.d/jenkins for more details.
The 'jenkins' user is created to run this service.
Log file will be placed in /var/log/jenkins/jenkins.log. Check this file if you are troubleshooting Jenkins.
/etc/default/jenkins will capture configuration parameters for the launch.
By default, Jenkins listen on port 8080. Access this port with your browser to start configuration.

After that, I followed this guide to enable security:

Go to the system configuration screen (http://server/jenkins/configure) and choose "enable security"
Select "Jenkins's own user database" as the security realm
Select "Matrix-based security" as the authorization
Give anonymous user the read access
In the text box below the table, type in your user name (you'd be creating this later) and click "add"
Give yourself a full access by checking the entire row for your user name
Scroll all the way to the bottom, click "save"

At this point, you'll be taken back to the top page, and Jenkins is successfully secured. Now you need to create an user account for yourself.

Click "login" link at the top right portion of the page
Choose "create an account"
Use the user name you've used in the above step, and fill in the rest.

You'll want to install some plugins now: Github and the Python plugin (to enable a "Python build step") at least.

Then I followed the Tox guide on working with Jenkins:

  • create a “multi-configuration” job, give it a name of your choice

  • configure your repository so that Jenkins can pull it

  • (optional) configure multiple nodes so that tox-runs are performed on multiple hosts

  • configure axes by using TOXENV as an axis name and as values provide space-separated test environment names you want Jenkins/tox to execute.

  • add a Python-build step with this content (see also next example):

import tox
tox.cmdline() # environment is selected by ``TOXENV`` env variable
  • check Publish JUnit test result report and enter **/junit-*.xml as the pattern so that Jenkins collects test results in the JUnit XML format. (we don't do this currently)

A bit of a problem now is how to make the tox.ini file available to Jenkins. In the end, the best solution I've found is to put a tox.ini file in the Jenkins home directory (/var/lib/jenkins) and copy that over as a build step. So, add an "execute shell" build step before the Python one with "cp -f ~/tox.ini ./tox.ini". Not the cleanest solution but it works.

Then it'll probably complain "Please tell me who you are". Apparently, git tries to do some tags (why??) and needs to be setup to do so. The following should be enough:

su jenkins
git config --global ""
git config --global "Jenkins CI Server"

And that's it! The above steps are enough to have Jenkins test SymPy (as of July 2011). I'm sure improvements can be made but this is the basic install. This document should probably be updated later to note all the specific settings we use, which is something we'll see with time.

Note: To use gmpy, you'll probably need to specify the address directly in tox (deps =, as it'll try to install gmpy2 by default (not really sure why, it should be fixed now). You'll also need to install the appropriate dev package for gmp, on Ubuntu/Debian it's libgmp3-dev. Then just define a testenv for Tox like usually (see tox.ini.sample in the repo) and add it to TOXENV in the job configuration on Jenkins.

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