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Alvaro Fides edited this page Jan 15, 2020 · 10 revisions

The LDDI group aims at defining an abstraction layer that is able to represent and to facilitate the integration of sensors and actuators embedded in uSpaces. The term of sensor does not refer to electronic devices that measure a physical quantity and converts it into a signal which can be read by an observer or by an instrument, neither the term actuator is used to represent mechanical device that transforms energy for moving or controlling a mechanism. Rather, we refer to sensors and actuators as devices with some computational and communication capabilities, namely sensor nodes. Sensor nodes usually may group several sensors and actuators on the same board, however sensor nodes have still limited resources and generally they are not able to use all the protocol stack foreseen by a fully featured component or service of an AAL platform.

Links of Interest
Continuous Integration
Maven Release Repository
Maven Snapshot Repository

Table of Contents

All the design decisions that led to the current implementation of how Local Device Discovery and Integration is achieved in universAAL, and to the definition of the different Hardware Integration of the technologies supported so far.

Hardware Integration of the KNX standard. It plugs KNX devices into universAAL, making them accessible through the Service and Context buses.

Hardware Integration of the ZigBee specification. It plugs ZigBee devices into universAAL, making them accessible through the Service and Context buses.

Hardware Integration of some Bluetooth Continua-certified products. It plugs these devices into universAAL, making them accessible through the Service and Context buses.

Hardware Integration of the FS20 proprietary protocol. It plugs FS20 devices into universAAL, making them accessible through the Service and Context buses.

Hardware Integration of the ZWave specification. It plugs ZWave devices into universAAL, making them accessible through the Service and Context buses.

Hardware Integration for OpenHAB framework (formerly Eclipse Smarthome). It plugs the devices managed by OpenHAB into universAAL, making them accessible through the Service and Context buses.