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leemason edited this page Apr 18, 2012 · 1 revision

The color field is just a text field that has some jquery magic assigned to it. When the user clicks the field to input a color it pops up with a jquery color picker, which is called fantastic, and is what Wordpress uses for its custom background feature.

To creat a color field option you need to create an array within the $sections => fields array. Like so:

	'id' => '1', //must be unique
	'type' => 'color', //the field type
	'title' => __('Color Option', 'nhp-opts'),
	'sub_desc' => __('This is a little space under the Field Title in the Options table', 'nhp-opts'),
	'desc' => __('This is the description field, again good for additional info.', 'nhp-opts'),
    'std' => '#ffffff'

With the above array we will be creating a text field with the options:

id 1

title Color Option

These are the only required fields, the rest can be removed if not wanted. But it's always a good idea to explain the option using the sub_desc and desc fields.

By default the field will validate the input as a HTML color value and provide an error message if the user manually inputs an Invalid string.

You can also set the std attribute as we have above if required. This must be a valid color value prepended by a hash character.