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The Radio IMG Field

leemason edited this page Apr 18, 2012 · 1 revision

The radio IMG field is aan ehancement of a basic field type. It's just a group of radio input where only one option can be selected, but instead of the user checking a box, they click on an image.

To creat a radio IMG field option you need to create an array within the $sections => fields array. Like so:

	'id' => '1', //must be unique
	'type' => 'radio_img', //the field type
	'title' => __('Radio IMG Option', 'nhp-opts'),
	'sub_desc' => __('This is a little space under the Field Title in the Options table', 'nhp-opts'),
	'desc' => __('This is the description field, again good for additional info.', 'nhp-opts'),
    'options' => array('1' => array('title' => __('Radio 1', 'nhp-opts'), 'img' => 'IMG URL'), '2' => array('title' => __('Radio 2', 'nhp-opts'), 'img' => 'IMG URL')),// You must provide a set of key => array(value) pairs
	'std' => '2'//this should be the key as defined above

With the above array we will be creating a radio IMG field with the options:

id 1

title Radio Option

options Explained further down

These are the only required fields, the rest can be removed if not wanted. But it's always a good idea to explain the option using the sub_desc and desc fields.

We have also set the std attribute to 2 this will automatically set the option to value 2 and display that radio option as checked by default.

You will also notice there is a Options section in the array. This is where you define the Option value and an array which contains the title and IMG URL of each radio option. It needs to be provided as a key => value pair for each radio input in the field type.