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Tim Watson edited this page Jul 31, 2012 · 2 revisions

Developer Guide

Building SysTest


SysTest should work on most POSIX compliant unices. Building on Windows is not supported, though it may work if you skip the makefile and stick to rebar. The whole build is in fact driven by rebar, with the makefile simply providing a few conveniences (such as installing rebar in the first place if it is missing).

In order to build SysTest at all however, you will need the following components installed on your system:

In order to use the (optional) systest_foreign_node handler, you will need a valid install of the target language/platform on your system. For systest_script interfaces, you will need to acquire the correct Lua and/or Python dependencies. This process has not yet been fully automated.

For {target, jvm} you will need a JRE installed on your system and should ensure that your JAVA_HOME environment variable is set properly. You will also need to ensure that the jinterface package that is supplied with [Erlang/OTP][erlang] was installed correctly.

Building from Source

The easiest way to build SysTest from source is to use the supplied makefile, which will build the SysTest OTP application and generated an escript archive in the ./priv/bin folder by default. An info target is also provided, which will tell you about the version of rebar that's being used and what dependencies are required.

The project is built using rebar, so you can, if you wish, build it directly that way instead.

Running the tests

The makefile's test target will run a suite of integration tests, using the ./priv/bin/systest executable directly.
