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#Module systest#

This is the primary interface to the SysTest application.

##Description## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

##Function Index##

activate_process/1 Activates a process that has been configured to postpone startup (viz the process activate_on_start config key).
config/1 attempts to lookup the supplied key - see systest_config:get_config/1.
env/1 attempts to lookup the supplied environment variable - see systest_config:get_env/1.
get_system_under_test/0 Returns the System Under Test associated with the current session.
get_system_under_test/1 Returns the System Under Test associated with the supplied configuration.
kill_after/2 Sets up a timer that will kill the Process once it expires, and returns immediately.
kill_and_wait/1 Kills the Process and waits until it has fully stopped.
kill_no_wait/1 Stops the Systest (Operating) Process ProcRef
list_processes/1 Lists all Processes that are part of the given System Under Test
process_activity_state/1 Returns the activity_state flag for the supplied Process - the the systest_proc documentation for further details.
process_data/2 Returns data for the required Field from a Process record or ProcRef.
read_process_user_data/1 Returns any configured user-data from the given Process.
reset/0 resets the application state.
restart_process/2 Restarts the specified Process, which must be registered with the supplied reference to a System Under Test.
settings/0 lists all installed settings for the current test run.
settings/1 searches for the supplied Key in the current settings.
sigkill/1 Sends a SIGKILL signal to the provided (OS) process id.
start/0 Starts the systest OTP application.
start/2 starts any resources associated with the given scope.
start/3 starts any resources associated with the given scope, using the provided identity when registering them with the testing framework.
start_suite/2 starts any resources associated with the supplied Suite.
stop/1 politely asks any resources associated with the given scope to stop, given them time to clean up and exit without causing any test case to fail.
stop_and_wait/1 Instructs the Process to stop and waits until it has completed its shutdown and fully stopped.
stop_no_wait/1 Stops the Systest (Operating) Process ProcRef
stop_scope/2 immediately stops any resources associated with the supplied Scope.
trace_off/1 Disables trace debugging.
trace_on/2 Enables trace debugging.
write_process_user_data/2 Writes the given data (term) to the indicated Process.

##Function Details##


activate_process(ProcRef) -> any()

Activates a process that has been configured to postpone startup (viz the process activate_on_start config key).


config(Key) -> any()

attempts to lookup the supplied key - see systest_config:get_config/1


env(Key) -> any()

attempts to lookup the supplied environment variable - see systest_config:get_env/1


get_system_under_test() -> any()

Returns the System Under Test associated with the current session. This call is only valid for standalone, shell and debug test runners. To obtain the sut for a common_test run, use get_system_under_test/1 instead.


get_system_under_test(Config) -> any()

Returns the System Under Test associated with the supplied configuration. NB: this function fails the activetest case if no SUT is registered with the supplied Config!


kill_after(Timeout, Target) -> any()

Sets up a timer that will kill the Process once it expires, and returns immediately. Killing a Process in this way does not cause a test case to fail, as the System Under Test handler is informed that the shutdown is expected.


kill_and_wait(ProcRef) -> any()

Kills the Process and waits until it has fully stopped. Killing a Process in this way does not cause a test case to fail, as the System Under Test handler is informed that the shutdown is expected.


kill_no_wait(ProcRef) -> any()

Stops the Systest (Operating) Process ProcRef


list_processes(SutRef) -> any()

Lists all Processes that are part of the given System Under Test


log(Message) -> any()


log(Format, Args) -> any()


log_sut_info(SUT) -> any()


print_sut_info(SUT) -> any()


process_activity_state(ProcRef) -> any()

Returns the activity_state flag for the supplied Process - the the systest_proc documentation for further details.


process_data(Field, ProcRec) -> any()

Returns data for the required Field from a Process record or ProcRef. The version of this function taking a proc record is intended for use in handler/user callbacks, whilst the version that takes a process identifier (pid) is intended for remote calls.


read_process_user_data(ProcRef) -> any()

Returns any configured user-data from the given Process.


reset() -> any()

resets the application state


restart_process(SutRef, ProcRef) -> any()

Restarts the specified Process, which must be registered with the supplied reference to a System Under Test.


settings() -> any()

lists all installed settings for the current test run.


settings(Key) -> any()

searches for the supplied Key in the current settings


sigkill(Pid) -> any()

Sends a SIGKILL signal to the provided (OS) process id


start() -> any()

Starts the systest OTP application.


start(Scope, Config) -> any()

starts any resources associated with the given scope


start(Scope, Identity, Config) -> any()

starts any resources associated with the given scope, using the provided identity when registering them with the testing framework


start_suite(Suite, Config) -> any()

starts any resources associated with the supplied Suite.


stop() -> any()


stop(Scope) -> any()

politely asks any resources associated with the given scope to stop, given them time to clean up and exit without causing any test case to fail


stop_and_wait(ProcRef) -> any()

Instructs the Process to stop and waits until it has completed its shutdown and fully stopped. Stopping a Process in this way does not cause a test case to fail, as the System Under Test handler is informed that the shutdown is expected.


stop_no_wait(ProcRef) -> any()

Stops the Systest (Operating) Process ProcRef


stop_scope(Scope, Timeout) -> any()

immediately stops any resources associated with the supplied Scope


trace_off(Config) -> any()

Disables trace debugging. See the Tracing/Debugging Guide for more details.


trace_on(Scope, Config) -> any()

Enables trace debugging. See the Tracing/Debugging Guide for more details.


write_process_user_data(ProcRef, Data) -> any()

Writes the given data (term) to the indicated Process.