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FIXDRY Amazing 3D Printer Filament Knob

steveroger9005 edited this page May 29, 2023 · 1 revision

FIXDRY Amazing 3D Printer Filament Knob One of the biggest complaints against Creality’s popular Ender 3 and the new Ender 3 V2 is how difficult it can be to load filament into the Bowden tube. Fortunately, a simple and cheap 3D printed Extruder Knob is available on Thingiverse that can help solve this problem.

Another common complaint is how long it can take for a print to finish when the filament runs out. To help solve this issue, a filament runout sensor can be added to your printer so that when the filament passes through it, the printer will stop printing and alert you that you need to replace it with a fresh spool.

Several other practical upgrades are available for the Ender 3 to make it even more user friendly. Adding a touchscreen* can give you a clean and easy to use interface, especially useful if you plan on printing with more advanced materials. A tungsten nozzle* is also worth considering for users who print with more delicate material or who use additives like wood* and metal*, as it will reduce breakage during prints.

Other additions that are helpful for beginners include a toolbox*, which makes it easier to store and access your tools when you need them. A PTFE dryer box* can be used to remove moisture from your filament before using it, helping your prints stick better. This is important for some more exotic and difficult to print materials, such as Nylon, which can absorb moisture easily and lead to failures.

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