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Lawn Renewal How to Renovate Your Lawn

steveroger9005 edited this page Mar 26, 2023 · 1 revision

A lawn that is a weedy mess, looking tired and untidy, or just plain old needs to be rejuvenated. This can be a time-consuming and costly endeavor but the results are worth it when your lawn finally looks its best.

The Lawn Renovation Process Depending on what you need, there are many renovation options to choose from: amending the soil environment back into the favour of desirable species, aerating and weed control, or completely removing and re-establishing your lawn area. The key to successful lawn renovation is a sound plan with the right equipment.

Prepping & Seeding The most cost effective way to renovate your lawn is by seeding. However, it is important to prepare your soil for proper seed germination. This can be done by adding Milorganite to the soil and by introducing organic matter such as compost, leaf compost, peat moss, or composted manure into the top six to eight inches of the soil.

Fertilizing your lawn It is a good idea to start your fertilization program as soon as you have seeded and before the grass begins putting down roots. A starter fertilizer such as 12-12-12 from Yard Mastery will get your new lawn off to a great start. Then you can add phosphorus to aid in root development, lime or Mag-I-Cal if your pH is out of whack, and finally, some organic matter such as Kelp4Less Extreme Blend or Green Lawn & Turf to loosen up firm soil.

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