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@github-actions github-actions released this 13 Apr 20:59

Notes on dependencies:

  • GeoPandas 1.0 drops support for shapely<2 and PyGEOS. The only geometry engine that is
    currently supported is shapely >= 2. As a consequence, spatial indexing based on the
    rtree package has also been removed. (#3035)
  • The I/O engine now defaults to Pyogrio which is now installed with GeoPandas instead
    of Fiona. (#3223)

API changes:

  • unary_union is now deprecated and replaced by the union_all method (#3007).
  • align keyword in binary methods now defaults to None, treated as True. Explicit True
    will silence the warning about mismachted indices. (#3212)
  • The sjoin method will now preserve the name of the index of the right
    GeoDataFrame, if it has one, instead of always using "index_right" as the
    name for the resulting column in the return value (#846, #2144).

New methods:

  • Added line_merge method from shapely to GeoSeries/GeoDataframe (#3214).
  • Added set_precision and get_precision methods from shapely to GeoSeries/GeoDataframe (#3175).
  • Added count_coordinates method from shapely to GeoSeries/GeoDataframe (#3026).
  • Added minimum_clearance method from shapely to GeoSeries/GeoDataframe (#2989).
  • Added is_ccw method from shapely to GeoSeries/GeoDataframe (#3027).
  • Added is_closed attribute from shapely to GeoSeries/GeoDataframe (#3092).
  • Added force_2d and force_3d methods from shapely to GeoSeries/GeoDataframe (#3090).
  • Added contains_properly method from shapely to GeoSeries/GeoDataframe (#3105).
  • Added snap method from shapely to GeoSeries/GeoDataframe (#3086).
  • Added transform method from shapely to GeoSeries/GeoDataFrame (#3075).
  • Added dwithin method to check for a "distance within" predicate on
    GeoSeries/GeoDataFrame (#3153).
  • Added to_geo_dict method to generate GeoJSON-like dictionary from a GeoDataFrame (#3132).

New features and improvements:

  • Added predicate="dwithin" option and distance argument to the sindex.query() method
    and sjoin (#2882).
  • GeoSeries and GeoDataFrame __repr__ now trims trailing zeros for a more readable
    output (#3087).
  • Add on_invalid parameter to from_wkt and from_wkb (#3110).
  • make_valid option in overlay now uses the make_valid method instead of
    buffer(0) (#3113).
  • Passing "geometry" as dtype to pd.read_csv will now return a GeoSeries for
    the specified columns (#3101).
  • Added support to read_file for the mask keyword for the pyogrio engine (#3062).
  • Added support to read_file for the columns keyword for the fiona engine (#3133).
  • Added show_bbox, drop_id and to_wgs84 arguments to allow further customization of
    GeoSeries.to_json (#3226)

Backwards incompatible API changes:

  • The deprecated default value of GeoDataFrame/ GeoSeries explode(.., index_parts=True) is now
    set to false for consistency with pandas (#3174).
  • The behaviour of set_geometry has been changed when passed a (Geo)Series ser with a name.
    The new active geometry column name in this case will be, if not None, rather than
    the previous active geometry column name. This means that if the new and old names are
    different, then both columns will be preserved in the GeoDataFrame. To replicate the previous
    behaviour, you can instead call gdf.set_geometry(ser.rename(gdf.active_geometry_name)) (#3237).

Potentially breaking changes:

  • reading a data source that does not have a geometry field using read_file
    now returns a Pandas DataFrame instead of a GeoDataFrame with an empty
    geometry column.

Bug fixes:

  • Fix GeoDataFrame.merge() incorrectly returning a DataFrame instead of a
    GeoDataFrame when the suffixes argument is applied to the active
    geometry column (#2933).
  • Fix bug in GeoDataFrame constructor where if geometry is given a named
    GeoSeries the name was not used as the active geometry column name (#3237).

Deprecations and compatibility notes:

  • The deprecation of geopandas.datasets has been enforced and the module has been
    removed. New sample datasets are now available in the
    geodatasets package (#3084).

  • Many longstanding deprecated functions, methods and properties have been removed (#3174), (#3189)

    • Removed deprecated functions, and
      geopandas.read_file, geopandas.read_postgis and the GeoDataFrame/GeoSeries to_file(..)
      method should be used instead.
    • Removed deprecated property, np.asarray(..) or the to_numpy()
      method should be used instead.
    • Removed deprecated sindex.query_bulk method, using sindex.query instead.
    • Removed deprecated sjoin parameter op, predicate should be supplied instead.
    • Removed deprecated GeoSeries/ GeoDataFrame methods __xor__, __or__, __and__ and
      __sub__. Instead use methods symmetric_difference, union, intersection and
      difference respectively.
    • Removed deprecated plotting functions plot_polygon_collection,
      plot_linestring_collection and plot_point_collection, use the GeoSeries/GeoDataFrame .plot
      method directly instead.
    • Removed deprecated GeoSeries/GeoDataFrame .plot parameters axes and colormap, instead use
      ax and cmap respectively.
  • Fixes for compatibility with psycopg (#3167).

  • The include_fields and ignore_fields keywords in read_file() are deprecated
    for the default pyogrio engine. Currently those are translated to the columns keyword
    for backwards compatibility, but you should directly use the columns keyword instead
    to select which columns to read (#3133).

  • The drop keyword in set_geometry has been deprecated, and in future the drop=True
    behaviour will be removed (#3237). To prepare for this change, you should remove any explicit
    drop=False calls in your code (the default behaviour already is the same as drop=False).
    To replicate the previous drop=True behaviour you should replace
    gdf.set_geometry(new_geo_col, drop=True) with

    geo_col_name = gdf.active_geometry_name