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An implementation and comparison of the softmax regression and Bidirectional LSTM classifiers in identifying and detecting online hate speech & rhetoric

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the data and word embeddings were ignored during commits due to immense file size. A workaround to include the dataset is to download it through this gdrive link here. Note please request access to gdrive user first before being able to access the data for download.

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references and citations:

ETHOS Hate Speech Dataset

ETHOS: multi-labEl haTe speecH detectiOn dataSet. This repository contains a dataset for hate speech detection on social media platforms, called Ethos. There are two variations of the dataset:

  • Ethos_Dataset_Binary.csv[Ethos_Dataset_Binary.csv] contains 998 comments in the dataset alongside with a label about hate speech presence or absence. 565 of them do not contain hate speech, while the rest of them, 433, contain.
  • Ethos_Dataset_Multi_Label.csv [Ethos_Dataset_Multi_Label.csv] which contains 8 labels for the 433 comments with hate speech content. These labels are violence (if it incites (1) or not (0) violence), directed_vs_general (if it is directed to a person (1) or a group (0)), and 6 labels about the category of hate speech like, gender, race, national_origin, disability, religion and sexual_orientation.

Ethos /ˈiːθɒs/

is a Greek word meaning “character” that is used to describe the guiding beliefs or ideals that characterize a community, nation, or ideology. The Greeks also used this word to refer to the power of music to influence emotions, behaviors, and even morals.

Please check our older dataset as well:


Please if you use this dataset in your research cite out preprint paper: ETHOS: a multi-label hate speech detection dataset

	title = {{ETHOS}: a multi-label hate speech detection dataset},
	issn = {2198-6053},
	url = {},
	doi = {10.1007/s40747-021-00608-2},
	journal = {Complex \& Intelligent Systems},
	author = {Mollas, Ioannis and Chrysopoulou, Zoe and Karlos, Stamatis and Tsoumakas, Grigorios},
	month = jan,
	year = {2022},

Contributors on Ethos

Name Email
Grigorios Tsoumakas
Ioannis Mollas
Zoe Chrysopoulou
Stamatis Karlos



Towards a Comprehensive Taxonomy and Large-Scale Annotated Corpus for Online Slur Usage

Corpus repository for Kurrek, J., Saleem, H. M., & Ruths, D. (2020, November). Towards a Comprehensive Taxonomy and Large-Scale Annotated Corpus for Online Slur Usage. In Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Online Abuse and Harms (pp. 138-149). You can read it here.

CONTENT WARNING: This corpus contains content that is racist, transphobic, homophobic, and offensive in many other ways. Please use responsibly.

Comment Annotation Metadata

This corpus consists of 40,000 annotated Reddit comments. For each comment the following details are included.

id STR. ID to the Reddit comment.
link_id STR. ID to the Reddit post the comment was made in.
parent_id STR. ID to the parent. Prefix t1_ if the parent is another comment. Prefix t3_ if it is a post.
score INT. Score the comment received.
subreddit STR. Subreddit the comment was made.
author STR. The author of the comment.
slur STR. Slur in the comment.
body STR. Body of the comment.
disagreement BOOLEAN. True if the two annotators did not agree on the label.
gold_label STR. Final label for the comment.

Comment Annotation Labels

Each comment was annotated into one of the following five labels. The annotation guide provides additional information on these labels.

DEG Derogatory 20531
NDG Non Derogatory Non Appropriative 16729
HOM Homonym 1998
APR Appropriative 553
CMP Noise 189

Citation Information

Please cite our paper in any published work that uses this corpus.

    title = "Towards a Comprehensive Taxonomy and Large-Scale Annotated Corpus for Online Slur Usage",
    author = "Kurrek, Jana and Saleem, Haji Mohammad and Ruths, Derek",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Online Abuse and Harms",
    month = "Nov",
    year = "2020",
    address = "Online",
    publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics",
    url = "",
    doi = "10.18653/v1/2020.alw-1.17",
    pages = "138--149",

Automated Hate Speech Detection and the Problem of Offensive Language

Repository for Thomas Davidson, Dana Warmsley, Michael Macy, and Ingmar Weber. 2017. "Automated Hate Speech Detection and the Problem of Offensive Language." ICWSM. You read the paper here.

NOTE: This repository is no longer actively maintained. Please do not post issues regarding the compatibility of the existing code with new versions of Python or the packages used. I will not accept any pull requests. If you plan to use this data or code in your research, please review the issues, as several Github users have suggested changes or improvements to the codebase.

2019 NEWS

We have a new paper on racial bias in this dataset and others, you can read it here

WARNING: The data, lexicons, and notebooks all contain content that is racist, sexist, homophobic, and offensive in many other ways.

You can find our labeled data in the data directory. We have included them as a pickle file (Python 2.7) and as a CSV. You will also find a notebook in the src directory containing Python 2.7 code to replicate our analyses in the paper and a lexicon in the lexicons directory that we generated to try to more accurately classify hate speech. The classifier directory contains a script, instructions, and the necessary files to run our classifier on new data, a test case is provided.

Please cite our paper in any published work that uses any of these resources.

  title = {Automated Hate Speech Detection and the Problem of Offensive Language},
  author = {Davidson, Thomas and Warmsley, Dana and Macy, Michael and Weber, Ingmar}, 
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 11th International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media},
  series = {ICWSM '17},
  year = {2017},
  location = {Montreal, Canada},
  pages = {512-515}

Contact We would also appreciate it if you could fill out this short form if you are interested in using our data so we can keep track of how these data are used and get in contact with researchers working on similar problems.

If you have any questions please contact thomas dot davidson at rutgers dot edu.

initial data insights:


  • dataset contains 565 non hate speech comment and 433 hate speech comments

  • of the 433 hate speech comments it is divided into classes violence and non-violent hate speech

  • distinct labels of 433 comments include gender, race, national origin, disability, religion, SO

  • comment is the feature that contains the hate speech feature

  • in binary labeled dataset comment is still the feature that contain the comment

  • in binary labeled dataset isHate is the target/real y output value that tells whether a comment is hate speech or not

  • 1 if hate and 0 if not hate

  • only use ff functions

  • project uses the hate-speech-and-offensive-language dataset as external dataset


  • gold label is the label of whether the comment is hate speech or noy

  • body is the feature which contains the comment

  • comment label consists of about 5 categories

  • DEG derogatory 20531

  • NDG non derogatory 16729

  • HOM homonym 1998

  • APR appropriate 553

  • CMP noise 189


  • class is the label/target/real y output column

  • tweet is the feature which contains offensive comment

  • feature columsn hate, offensive, and neither measure to the degree in which a comment is

  • hate, offensive, or neither

  • 0 for hate I hope you get type 2 diabetes nigger

  • 1 for offensive your pussy stinks

  • 2 for neither a woman shouldn't complain

To do:

need to review how to extract only necessary comment itself that includes offensive language in need to run preprocess scripts of each repository on each of their respective datasets dataset

  • hate-speech-and-offensive-language (done)

  • hate class currently 0 can be lumped in with derogatory class of slur dataset, so encode to 2

  • offensive class currently 1 can be lumped in with appropriative class of slur dataset, so encode to 0

  • neither class currently 2 can be lumped in with non derogatory of slur dataset, so encode to 4

  • ethos_data

  • slur-corpus

  • need to encode labels in order

  • probably non derogatory and noise can be just combined so encode noise to 4

  • A-Benchmark-Dataset-for-Learning-to-Intervene-in-Online-Hate-Speech (TBA)

exploratory data analysis Here we investigate the problem of hate speech and ask the following questions which we will eventually answer to help lessen or even outright solve the problem of hate speech

  • what words are most frequently attributed in derogatory comments? Isolate the comments with derogatory label and get each unique word count

  • what are the percentages of thsee frequent derogatory comments?

  • what words are most frequently attributed in offensive comments? Isolate the comments with derogatory label and get each unique word count

  • what are the percentages of thsee frequent offensive comments?

  • what words are most frequently attributed in non-derogatory comments? Isolate the comments with derogatory label and get each unique word count

  • what are the percentages of thsee frequent non-derogatory comments?

  • What are the most unusual derogatory comments?

  • What is the percentage of these unusual derogatory comments?

  • once this is done highlight the classification problem

  • use colormap to visualize first 20 words frequencies in bar chart

  • what is the percentages of each first 20 words in each class. use pie chart

sentiment classifier model

  • implement a counter to count how many words in our hate-speech-dataset does not exist in our pre-trained glove word embeddings (from stanford)


An implementation and comparison of the softmax regression and Bidirectional LSTM classifiers in identifying and detecting online hate speech & rhetoric






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