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This repository contains a collection of Python programs for various purposes.

1. TODO using API

This program demonstrates how to create a simple TODO application using an API. It includes functionalities such as adding tasks, updating tasks, deleting tasks, and retrieving tasks.

2. Youtube Management App

The Youtube Management App is a Python program that helps to manage Youtube Videos. You can save the title of video, link of video, and the duration of video. You can also update the details of the video, delete the video, and view the details of the video.

3. TODO using MongoDB with Python

This program showcases the integration of MongoDB with Python to create a TODO application. It includes functionalities such as storing tasks in a MongoDB database, adding tasks, updating tasks, deleting tasks, and retrieving tasks.

4. API handling :: Random user generator :: Dad jokes

This program involves handling APIs to generate random user data and fetch dad jokes. It demonstrates how to make API requests, handle responses, and utilize the retrieved data.

5. Tic Tac Toe Game

The Tic Tac Toe Game is a Python implementation of the classic tic-tac-toe game. It allows two players to play the game, and you can also play against the computer.

6. Password Generator

The Password Generator program is designed to generate strong and secure passwords based on user-specified criteria such as length and character types.

7. Alarm Clock

This Python program acts as a simple alarm clock, allowing users to set and manage alarms with custom messages and specific times.


This repo consist of project made with python only.





