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Simn authored and 0b1kn00b committed Jan 25, 2024
1 parent 1d7ca99 commit 9ca3156
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Showing 2 changed files with 320 additions and 154 deletions.
203 changes: 109 additions & 94 deletions src/context/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -20,11 +20,9 @@
open Globals
open Ast
open Common
open Lookup
open Type
open Error
open Resolution
open FieldCallCandidate

type type_patch = {
mutable tp_type : complex_type option;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -60,12 +58,6 @@ type typer_pass =
| PForce (* usually ensure that lazy have been evaluated *)
| PFinal (* not used, only mark for finalize *)

let all_typer_passes = [

let all_typer_passes_length = List.length all_typer_passes

type typer_module = {
curmod : module_def;
import_resolution : resolution_list;
Expand All @@ -75,6 +67,11 @@ type typer_module = {
mutable import_statements : import list;

type delay = {
delay_pass : typer_pass;
delay_functions : (unit -> unit) list;

type build_kind =
| BuildNormal
| BuildGeneric of tclass
Expand All @@ -89,24 +86,14 @@ type build_info = {
build_apply : Type.t list -> Type.t;

type macro_result =
| MSuccess of expr
| MError
| MMacroInMacro

type typer_pass_tasks = {
mutable tasks : (unit -> unit) list;

type typer_globals = {
mutable delayed : typer_pass_tasks Array.t;
mutable delayed_min_index : int;
mutable delayed : delay list;
mutable debug_delayed : (typer_pass * ((unit -> unit) * (string * string list) * typer) list) list;
doinline : bool;
retain_meta : bool;
mutable core_api : typer option;
mutable macros : ((unit -> unit) * typer) option;
mutable std_types : module_def;
mutable std : module_def;
type_patches : (path, (string * bool, type_patch) Hashtbl.t * type_patch) Hashtbl.t;
mutable module_check_policies : (string list * module_check_policy list * bool) list;
mutable global_using : (tclass * pos) list;
Expand All @@ -115,11 +102,9 @@ type typer_globals = {
mutable type_hints : (module_def_display * pos * t) list;
mutable load_only_cached_modules : bool;
functional_interface_lut : (path,tclass_field) lookup;
mutable return_partial_type : bool;
mutable build_count : int;
mutable t_dynamic_def : Type.t;
(* api *)
do_macro : typer -> macro_mode -> path -> string -> expr list -> pos -> macro_result;
do_inherit : typer -> Type.tclass -> pos -> (bool * placed_type_path) -> bool;
do_macro : typer -> macro_mode -> path -> string -> expr list -> pos -> expr option;
do_load_macro : typer -> bool -> path -> string -> pos -> ((string * bool * t) list * t * tclass * Type.tclass_field);
do_load_module : typer -> path -> pos -> module_def;
do_load_type_def : typer -> pos -> type_path -> module_type;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -173,6 +158,24 @@ and monomorphs = {
mutable perfunction : (tmono * pos) list;

(* This record holds transient information about an (attempted) call on a field. It is created when resolving
field calls and is passed to overload filters. *)
type 'a field_call_candidate = {
(* The argument expressions for this call and whether or not the argument is optional on the
target function. *)
fc_args : texpr list;
(* The applied return type. *)
fc_ret : Type.t;
(* The applied function type. *)
fc_type : Type.t;
(* The class field being called. *)
fc_field : tclass_field;
(* The field monomorphs that were created for this call. *)
fc_monos : Type.t list;
(* The custom data associated with this call. *)
fc_data : 'a;

type field_host =
| FHStatic of tclass
| FHInstance of tclass * tparams
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -211,12 +214,6 @@ type dot_path_part = {
pos : pos

type find_module_result =
| GoodModule of module_def
| BadModule of module_skip_reason
| BinaryModule of HxbData.module_cache
| NoModule

let make_build_info kind path params extern apply = {
build_kind = kind;
build_path = path;
Expand All @@ -231,6 +228,8 @@ exception WithTypeError of error

let memory_marker = [|Unix.time()|]

let locate_macro_error = ref true

let make_call_ref : (typer -> texpr -> texpr list -> t -> ?force_inline:bool -> pos -> texpr) ref = ref (fun _ _ _ _ ?force_inline:bool _ -> die "" __LOC__)
let type_expr_ref : (?mode:access_mode -> typer -> expr -> WithType.t -> texpr) ref = ref (fun ?(mode=MGet) _ _ _ -> die "" __LOC__)
let type_block_ref : (typer -> expr list -> WithType.t -> pos -> texpr) ref = ref (fun _ _ _ _ -> die "" __LOC__)
Expand All @@ -253,11 +252,7 @@ let pass_name = function

let warning ?(depth=0) ctx w msg p =
let options = (Warning.from_meta ctx.curclass.cl_meta) @ (Warning.from_meta ctx.curfield.cf_meta) in
match Warning.get_mode w options with
| WMEnable ->
module_warning ctx.m.curmod w options msg p
| WMDisable ->
() ~depth w options msg p

let make_call ctx e el t p = (!make_call_ref) ctx e el t p

Expand All @@ -274,8 +269,12 @@ let spawn_monomorph' ctx p =
let spawn_monomorph ctx p =
TMono (spawn_monomorph' ctx p)

let make_static_this c p =
let ta = mk_anon ~fields:c.cl_statics (ref (ClassStatics c)) in
mk (TTypeExpr (TClassDecl c)) ta p

let make_static_field_access c cf t p =
let ethis = Texpr.Builder.make_static_this c p in
let ethis = make_static_this c p in
mk (TField (ethis,(FStatic (c,cf)))) t p

let make_static_call ctx c cf map args t p =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -330,7 +329,7 @@ let add_local ctx k n t p =
begin try
let v' = PMap.find n ctx.locals in
(* ignore std lib *)
if not (List.exists (fun path -> ExtLib.String.starts_with p.pfile (path#path)) then begin
if not (List.exists (ExtLib.String.starts_with p.pfile) then begin
warning ctx WVarShadow "This variable shadows a previously declared variable" p;
warning ~depth:1 ctx WVarShadow (compl_msg "Previous variable was here") v'.v_pos
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -408,19 +407,36 @@ let is_gen_local v = match v.v_kind with
| _ ->

let make_delay pass fl = {
delay_pass = pass;
delay_functions = fl;

let delay ctx p f =
let p = Obj.magic p in
let tasks = ctx.g.delayed.(p) in
tasks.tasks <- f :: tasks.tasks;
if p < ctx.g.delayed_min_index then
ctx.g.delayed_min_index <- p
let rec loop = function
| [] ->
[make_delay p [f]]
| delay :: rest ->
if delay.delay_pass = p then
(make_delay p (f :: delay.delay_functions)) :: rest
else if delay.delay_pass < p then
delay :: loop rest
(make_delay p [f]) :: delay :: rest
ctx.g.delayed <- loop ctx.g.delayed

let delay_late ctx p f =
let p = Obj.magic p in
let tasks = ctx.g.delayed.(p) in
tasks.tasks <- tasks.tasks @ [f];
if p < ctx.g.delayed_min_index then
ctx.g.delayed_min_index <- p
let rec loop = function
| [] ->
[make_delay p [f]]
| delay :: rest ->
if delay.delay_pass <= p then
delay :: loop rest
(make_delay p [f]) :: delay :: rest
ctx.g.delayed <- loop ctx.g.delayed

let delay_if_mono ctx p t f = match follow t with
| TMono _ ->
Expand All @@ -429,32 +445,21 @@ let delay_if_mono ctx p t f = match follow t with

let rec flush_pass ctx p where =
let rec loop i =
if i > (Obj.magic p) then
else begin
let tasks = ctx.g.delayed.(i) in
match tasks.tasks with
| f :: l ->
tasks.tasks <- l;
flush_pass ctx p where
| [] ->
(* Done with this pass (for now), update min index to next one *)
let i = i + 1 in
ctx.g.delayed_min_index <- i;
loop i
loop ctx.g.delayed_min_index
match ctx.g.delayed with
| delay :: rest when delay.delay_pass <= p ->
(match delay.delay_functions with
| [] ->
ctx.g.delayed <- rest;
| f :: l ->
ctx.g.delayed <- (make_delay delay.delay_pass l) :: rest;
flush_pass ctx p where
| _ ->

let make_pass ctx f = f

let init_class_done ctx =
ctx.pass <- PConnectField

let enter_field_typing_pass ctx info =
flush_pass ctx PConnectField info;
ctx.pass <- PTypeField

let make_lazy ?(force=true) ctx t_proc f where =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -482,7 +487,7 @@ let create_fake_module ctx file =
m_path = (["$DEP"],file);
m_types = [];
m_statics = None;
m_extra = module_extra file (Define.get_signature (file_time file) MFake [];
m_extra = module_extra file (Define.get_signature (file_time file) MFake [];
} in
Hashtbl.add fake_modules key mdep;
Expand All @@ -509,18 +514,6 @@ let is_forced_inline c cf =
let needs_inline ctx c cf =
cf.cf_kind = Method MethInline && ctx.allow_inline && (ctx.g.doinline || is_forced_inline c cf)

let clone_type_parameter map path ttp =
let c = ttp.ttp_class in
let c = {c with cl_path = path} in
let def = map ttp.ttp_default in
let constraints = match ttp.ttp_constraints with
| None -> None
| Some constraints -> Some (lazy ( map (Lazy.force constraints)))
let ttp' = mk_type_param c ttp.ttp_host def constraints in
c.cl_kind <- KTypeParameter ttp';

(** checks if we can access to a given class field using current context *)
let can_access ctx c cf stat =
if (has_class_field_flag cf CfPublic) then
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -615,8 +608,8 @@ let can_access ctx c cf stat =
loop c
(* access is also allowed of we access a type parameter which is constrained to our (base) class *)
|| (match c.cl_kind with
| KTypeParameter ttp ->
List.exists (fun t -> match follow t with TInst(c,_) -> loop c | _ -> false) (get_constraints ttp)
| KTypeParameter tl ->
List.exists (fun t -> match follow t with TInst(c,_) -> loop c | _ -> false) tl
| _ -> false)
|| (Meta.has Meta.PrivateAccess ctx.meta)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -697,8 +690,39 @@ let safe_mono_close ctx m p =
Unify_error l ->
raise_or_display ctx l p

let make_field_call_candidate args ret monos t cf data = {
fc_args = args;
fc_type = t;
fc_field = cf;
fc_data = data;
fc_ret = ret;
fc_monos = monos;

let s_field_call_candidate fcc =
let pctx = print_context() in
let se = s_expr_pretty false "" false (s_type pctx) in
let sl_args = se fcc.fc_args in
Printer.s_record_fields "" [
"fc_args",String.concat ", " sl_args;
"fc_type",s_type pctx fcc.fc_type;
"fc_field",Printf.sprintf "%s: %s" fcc.fc_field.cf_name (s_type pctx fcc.fc_field.cf_type)

let relative_path ctx file = file
let slashes path = String.concat "/" (ExtString.String.nsplit path "\\") in
let fpath = slashes (Path.get_full_path file) in
let fpath_lower = String.lowercase_ascii fpath in
let flen = String.length fpath_lower in
let rec loop = function
| [] -> file
| path :: l ->
let spath = String.lowercase_ascii (slashes path) in
let slen = String.length spath in
if slen > 0 && slen < flen && String.sub fpath_lower 0 slen = spath then String.sub fpath slen (flen - slen) else loop l

let mk_infos ctx p params =
let file = if then p.pfile else if Common.defined Define.AbsolutePath then Path.get_full_path p.pfile else relative_path ctx p.pfile in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -758,17 +782,8 @@ let create_deprecation_context ctx = {
(DeprecationCheck.create_context with
class_meta = ctx.curclass.cl_meta;
field_meta = ctx.curfield.cf_meta;
curmod = ctx.m.curmod;

let get_overloads (com : Common.context) c i =
com.overload_cache#find (c.cl_path,i)
with Not_found ->
let l = Overloads.collect_overloads (fun t -> t) c i in
com.overload_cache#add (c.cl_path,i) l;

(* -------------- debug functions to activate when debugging typer passes ------------------------------- *)

Expand Down

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