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0xD0M1M0 edited this page Feb 6, 2023 · 47 revisions

ExoMy - Wiki

This wiki contains step by step instructions on how the 3D-printed rover ExoMy can be built, controlled and customized.

This repository is the successor of the official ExoMy project by ESA. This comes after many talks with the ESA-Team at ESTEC and their limit ability to support the project in the future.

So feel free to submit your issues and pull requests here. I will try my best to continue supporting this project and release updates and fixes.

DISCLAIMER: We tried our best to make the instructions as concise and complete as possible, but some information might be missing. If you're stuck at one point or realize that information is missing let us know on Discord or create an issue and we'll try to help you out!

Have a look at the System Overview to learn what ExoMy can do.

If you wanna start now, click here. Also check out the FAQ.

ExoMy Project Structure

You are already in the wiki section of this repository. The files of the documentation can be found in the code section of the repository.

ExoMy has a website. It does not help you build it, but is still nice to look at.

This repository contains the software to run ExoMy. The wiki section software instructions explains you how to use the software.

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