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Stellar: Arena

An open source, indie, arcade, bullet hell game made in python for PyLam.
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About The Project


In this retro bullet hell arcade game you take control of a small spacecraft in order to fight terrible aliens in an interstellar arena gladiator-style tournament! You are equipped with the cutting edge technology of the LaZer guns which fire a special bullet that can identify and analyze your enemies, so you can easily adapt to the fight and devastate them. Version 1.0 now released!

  • Gameplay:

When you shoot your enemies with the green LaZer bullets, you adapt to their specific type and your next 15 bullets are now enhanced with special effect. There are three types of enemies and thus three types of enhanced bullets: Fire, Slime and Leech.

Fire bullets deal 10 damage over time to any enemy you hit. Slime bullets lower your enemies movement speed by 5 and Leech bullets will give you +5 Health Points. All enemies are immune to the effects of enchanced bullets of their own type. When you destroy an enemy you obtain 25 credits you can spend to buy power-ups. There are three power-ups in the game: Speed, Health and Effect. The Speed power-up costs 500 credits and will give you +3 movement speed, the Effect power-up costs 750 credits and will add a +5 bonus modifier to any of your enhanced bullets (e.g you fire bullets will now deal 10 + 5 damage over time instead of just 10) and the Health power-up costs 1000 and will give you +550 Health Points.

Built With

Getting Started

Simply download all the files and install the prerequisites. Make sure all of the files are in their correct folders and run the app.


  • Python Arcade library (preferably version 2.1.6)
pip install arcade==2.1.6
pip uninstall pytiled-parser
pip install pytiled-parser==0.9.3

In case the game crushes, even if the arcade version is the correct one, try uninstalling the library and all of its dependencies and reinstalling arcade again.

pip uninstall arcade
pip uninstall pyglet
pip uninstall pillow
pip uninstall pytiled-parser
pip uninstall attrs
pip uninstall numpy

pip install arcade==2.1.6

If you get the error AttributeError: 'TileLayer' object has no attribute 'data':

This error is caused by the fact that "arcade" installs the newest versions of each dependencies when installed. This means that when you install arcade version 2.1.6 the newer and incompatible version of pytiled-parser (currently 0.9.4) is also installed. The solution is to uninstall the newer version and install pytiled-parser version 0.9.3

pip uninstall pytiled-parser
pip install pytiled-parser==0.9.3
  • Tiled map editor You will need this application if you want to create and import your own levels to the game or customize the existing ones. You do not need to download, install and run it in order to play the game.

You can download it from the official website: Or clone it from Github:

  • Play!

If everything has been installed correctly, run the file and play!


  • Movement and collision Completed.
  • Different arenas Completed
  • Unique player, enemy, bullet, power-up, UI and tile sprites Completed.
  • In-game sound effects Completed
  • Player Combat Completed
  • Enemy Combat Completed
  • Power-Up "shop" Completed
  • Main Menu Completed

For more take a look at the TODO file.


Any contributions or criticisms are greatly appreaciated!

  1. Fork the Project
  2. Create your Feature Branch (git checkout -b feature/NewFeature)
  3. Commit your Changes (git commit -m 'Add some NewFeature')
  4. Push to the Branch (git push origin feature/NewFeature)
  5. Open a Pull Request


Distributed under the MIT License.

All sound effects and sprites may also be used for free but a credit would be really appreciated!


George Rellias Twitter - @GeorgeRellias Instagram - GeorgeRellias Personal E-mail: Academic E-mail:


The people over at PylamGR for their help: For the awesome README Template:

All other assets such as sprites and sound effects are completely original.


A 2D arcade game made with python for PyLam.






No releases published


