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zzg edited this page Aug 19, 2016 · 5 revisions

Use config file

	public interface TestDB{}

db.cfg file's content looks like this:

	DB.cfg.url      = jdbc:mysql://
	DB.cfg.username = root
	DB.cfg.password = root

All properties

  • sql.debug = false

    [scope: DB]

    If show running SQL statements

  • url =

    [scope: DB]

    the JDBC url, for example: jdbc:mysql://

  • driver = com.mysql.jdbc.Driver

    [scope: DB]

    the JDBC driver class

  • username = root

    [scope: DB]

    the database username

  • password =

    [scope: DB]

    the database password

  • catalog =

    [scope: DB]

    the database catalog

  • schema =

    [scope: DB]

    the database schema

  • tables = %

    [scope: DB]

    Indicates the table names to generate the model classes, "%": means all of tables.

    For example: pre_%: all tables with the prefix: "pre_"

  • mapping =

    [scope: DB]

    Table name's mapping, For example: table_123=ModelX;table123=ModelY...

  • partitions =

    [scope: DB]

    Define partition tables

  • datasourceClass =

    [scope: DB]

    Data source class, the value can be C3p0DataSource or DruidDataSource or other class which implementations of the class: com.tsc9526.monalisa.orm.datasource.PooledDataSource

  • datasourceDelayClose =

    [scope: DB]

    After database configuration reload, delay closing data source that has been opened

  • history.db =

    [scope: DB]

    The history table is saved in the database.

  • history.prefix.table = history_

    [scope: DB]

    Prefix of history tables

  • history.prefix.column = history_

    [scope: DB]

    Column's prefix in the history tables

  • history.tables =

    [scope: DB]

    Those tables need to record changes in history. %: means all of tables

  • multi.resultset.deepth = 100

    [scope: DB]

    Useful when only the SQL query return multiple results

  • cache.tables =

    [scope: DB]

    Which tables will be cached

  • modelClass =

    [scope: TABLE]

    A base mode class, which inherits from com.tsc9526.monalisa.orm.model.Model

  • modelListener =

    [scope: TABLE]

    A listen class when model changed

  • validate = false

    [scope: TABLE]

    Whether you need to verify the data before you save it

  • validator =

    [scope: TABLE]

    The model validator class

  • cache.class =

    [scope: TABLE]

    The cache class

  • = default

    [scope: TABLE]

    The name of cache setting

  • cache.eviction = LRU

    [scope: TABLE]

    The cache eviction's algorithm

  • auto.create_time = create_time

    [scope: TABLE]

    When calling, auto set model field's value if exists: create_time

  • auto.update_time = update_time

    [scope: TABLE]

    When calling Model.update(), auto set model field's value if exists: update_time

  • auto.create_by = create_by

    [scope: TABLE]

    When calling, auto set model field's value if exists: create_by

    You need to set up thread context by call:


  • auto.update_by = update_by

    [scope: TABLE]

    When calling Model.update(), auto set model field's value if exists: update_by

    You need to set up thread context by call:


  • exception_if_set_field_not_found = false

    [scope: TABLE]

    If true, throw a exception if set a not exists field in a model, otherwise false.

About scope:

  • DB

    Meaning: this property is a configuration item for a database scope level


    Meaning: this property is a configuration item for a table scope level,

    you can specify a value for each table. for example:

     DB.cfg.modelClass      = MyBaseModelClassName 
     DB.cfg.modelClass.user = MyUserModelClassName 

All generated model classes which inherits from MyBaseModelClassName except for model: "user", the model: "user" will inherits from MyUserModelClassName

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