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Asynchronously call JavaScript code from within PHP
Coded with ❤️ by Eleven Ways.


Have you ever needed to use the functionality of a node.js package in your PHP project, but don't want to spend hours writing a wrapper? Well now you can.

Thanks to ReactPHP it was quite a simple script to get working.


Installation is easy via Composer:

$ composer require elevenways/doen

Or you can add it manually to your composer.json file.


Simple require() example

// You will need an event loop instance.
// If this looks weird to you, you should lookup ReactPHP
$loop = \React\EventLoop\Factory::create();

// Now we can create a Doen instance
$doen = new \Elevenways\Doen\Doen($loop);

// Lets get our first, simple reference
// $libpath is now an \Elevenways\Doen\Reference instance
$libpath = $doen->evaluateToRef('require("path")');

// Even though the code is happening asynchronously, we can already act upon it
// This will return yet another \Elevenways\Doen\Reference instance
$str = $libpath->join('a', 'b', 'c');

// Now we can get the value
$str->getValue()->then(function ($value) {
    // This will print out a/b/c
    echo $value;

// This, again, is part of ReactPHP.
// It starts the event loop and will BLOCK the rest of the code!



new Doen(\React\EventLoop\LoopInterface $loop, array $options = [])

Create a new Doen instance, which always creates a new Node.js instance too.

By default it'll use the node binary, but this can be overridden with the node_path option.

require(string $name) ⇒ \Elevenways\Doen\Reference

Require a node.js module and return a reference to it.

$libpath = $doen->require('path');

evaluate(string $code) ⇒ \React\Promise\Promise

Execute an expression and return its value.

$promise = $doen->evaluate('1 + 1');

evaluateFunction(string $function, $args = []) ⇒ \React\Promise\Promise

Execute a function with the supplied arguments and return its value.

$promise = $doen->evaluate('function(a, b) {return a * b}', [3, 2]);

evaluateToRef(string $code, $args = null) ⇒ \Elevenways\Doen\Reference

Execute an expression or a function and return a reference to its value.

$libpath = $doen->evaluateToRef('require("path")');

close() ⇒ void

Close the node.js process



getValue(callable $on_fulfilled = null, callable $on_rejected = null) ⇒ \React\Promise\Promise

Get the actual value of the reference

$ref = $doen->evaluateToRef('1 + 1');
$ref->getValue(function($result) {
    // Outputs: 2
    echo $result;

then(callable $on_fulfilled = null, callable $on_rejected = null) ⇒ \React\Promise\Promise

Execute the callables when this reference resolves. It will not resolve to its value, but to its type for primitives and to its class for objects.

$ref = $doen->evaluateToRef('1 + 1');
$ref->then(function($type) {
    // Outputs: "number"
    echo $type;

$array = $doen->evaluateToRef('[]');
$ref->then(function($type) {
    // Outputs: "Array"
    echo $type;

__monkeyPatch($method_name, Closure $fnc) ⇒ void

Add a method to this instance on-the-fly

$ref = $doen->evaluateToRef('1 + 1');
$ref->__monkeyPatch('weird', function() {
    return 'weird';

// Returns "weird"


Contributions are REALLY welcome. Please check the contributing guidelines for more details. Thanks!


See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.