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Little Husky

A mini version of husky model

This husky is small sized of original one. I have changed all of it's dimensions like d to (0.5 * d) and changed meshes to change it's look to small size too.

To ride my boy you should install twist teleop: sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-teleop- twist-keyboard

And launch: roslaunch husky_gazebo husky_empty_world.launch

Then run teleop: rosrun teleop_twist_keyboard


Common ROS packages for the Clearpath Husky, useable for both simulation and real robot operation.

  • husky_control : Control configuration
  • husky_description : Robot description (URDF)
  • husky_msgs : Message definitions
  • husky_navigation : Navigation configurations and demos

For Husky instructions and tutorials, please see Robots/Husky.

To create a custom Husky description or simulation, please fork husky_customization.


Desktop ROS packages for the Clearpath Husky, which may pull in graphical dependencies.

  • husky_viz : Visualization (rviz) configuration and bringup

For Husky instructions and tutorials, please see


Robot ROS packages for the Clearpath Husky, for operating robot hardware.

  • husky_bringup : Bringup launch files and scripts.
  • husky_base : Hardware driver for communicating with the onboard MCU.

For Husky instructions and tutorials, please see


Simulator ROS packages for the Clearpath Husky.

  • husky_gazebo : Gazebo plugin definitions and extensions to the robot URDF.

For Husky instructions and tutorials, please see