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Creating a kubernetes cluster on AWS EC2 (IaaS) deploy MongoDB cluster and Prometheus.

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K8s Mongo cluster on AWS IaaS and Prometheus

Creating a kubernetes cluster on AWS EC2 instance with MongoDB and Prometheus.

The following content will walk you through the steps to create a kubernetes cluster in AWS (IaaS) using kops, configure mongoDB with sharding and setup prometheus for monitoring the nodes, K8s cluster and mongoDB using node exporter, mongoDB exporter along with Grafana.

Kubernetes is an open source container orchestration and management tool. Kubernetes provides you with a framework to run distributed systems resiliently. One of the key benefits of kubernetes is that it is self-healing and clusters can be restarted automatically in case of failure of any nodes.

Kops is a open source tool which can be used for creating, upgrading and destroying kubernetes cluster and underlying infrastructure.

MongoDB is a document database designed for ease of development and scaling. MongoDB provides high performance data persistence, replication facility (replica set) and horizontal scalability as part of its core functionality. Sharding distributes data across a cluster of machines.

Who should use this?

This will be helpful for developer, Ops or DevOps person to create kubernetes cluster in AWS IaaS and install mongoDB with minimal manual work.

Key benefits:

  • Scale the cluster nodes after launch.
  • Scale the mongoDB shards and replicaset based on the requirement.
  • Exporters can be customized and implemented as required.
Table of Contents


  • Client Server - Ubuntu OS

    In this blog, EC2 instance used as a client server for deployments. Be sure to attach the kops-profile IAM role to the instance with below permissions. Launch a new EC2 instance ( Ubuntu OS) in AWS with below IAM permissions.

    • AmazonEC2FullAccess
    • AmazonS3FullAccess
    • IAMFullAccess
    • AmazonVPCFullAccess
    • AmazonRoute53FullAccess
  • SSH Keyfile

    Create a new ssh key file in Ubuntu server for accessing master and worker nodes from the Kops Instance. Execute all the commands as a root user.

    $ ssh-keygen -t rsa

    The above created keyfile will be stored in ~/.ssh/ path.

  • S3 Bucket

    Create new S3 bucket (cluster-state-store) in AWS console for kubernetes cluster setup.

    Note : update the s3 bucket name in following files, if you have created S3 bucket with new name.

      update KOPS_STATE_STORE value in variables/cluster_variable.yaml
      update --state=s3://<bucket name> value in handlers/main.yaml
  • Install AWS CLI

    Check if python is already installed in Ubuntu system using below command,

    $ python3 --version

    Install awscli by following below steps, if python3 is already install continue with installing python3-pip.

    $ sudo apt update

    $ sudo apt install python3

    $ sudo apt install python3-pip

    $ pip3 install awscli

    Detailed steps given in the below link to install AWS CLI on Ububtu server.

  • Install Ansible, Kops and Kubectl

    Follow the below steps and reference links to install Ansible, Kops and Kubectl on Ubuntu server

    • To install Ansible

    $ sudo apt install ansible

    • To install and configure kops

    $ curl -LO$(curl -s | grep tag_name | cut -d '"' -f 4)/kops-linux-amd64

    $ chmod +x kops-linux-amd64

    $ sudo mv kops-linux-amd64 /usr/local/bin/kops

    • To install kubectl

    kubectl is a CLI used to run commands on the kubernetes cluster.

    $ curl -LO$(curl -s

    $ chmod +x kubectl

    $ sudo mv kubectl /usr/local/bin/kubectl

Deploying Kubernetes Cluster

  • Kubernets cluster setup on AWS EC2

    Clone/download the github repository files to your local root directory.

    You can create a cluster in an existing VPC or new, either with a public or private topology.

    In this example, we will be using a pre-existing VPC and subnets for cluster deployment. The gossip based cluster will be deployed with public topology.

    Use the below command to set KOPS_STATE_STORE variable pointing to S3 bucket. The KOPS_STATE_STORE is an S3 bucket that stores your cluster configuration and state

    $ export KOPS_STATE_STORE=s3://<S3 Bucket name>

    Now, update the variables in cluster_variable.yaml file to launch cluster nodes in existing VPC, subnets. You can find the yaml file here []

    Execute kubernetes-master.yaml script from /k8s-mongodb/tasks path to launch cluster nodes. You can find the yaml file here []

    $ ansible-playbook kubernetes-master.yaml

    After few minutes, ensure the cluster is up and running,

    $ kops validate cluster --name <cluster-name>

    Verify kubernetes cluster nodes state

    $ kubectl get nodes

    The above command will result all the nodes with status.

Deploying MongoDB Cluster

  • MongoDB cluster setup on K8s cluster nodes

    Set labels to each node except for Master node, before deploying MongoDB inoder to differentiate what is config, what is router and what is for shards.

    $ kubectl label nodes <node name> component=api

    $ kubectl label nodes <node name> component=mongo-config

    $ kubectl label nodes <node name> component=mongo-shard

    Now, execute mongodb-master.yaml to setup mongoDB cluster.

    This will install mongoDB 3.6.9 on kubernetes 3 node cluster based on the labels configured.

    $ ansible-playbook mongodb-master.yaml

    This will deploy 3 sharded cluster with 2 replicaset. Now, you can verify the mongoDB container status using below command

    $ kubectl get pods -o wide

Deploying Prometheus

  • Prometheus setup for monitoring the nodes, K8s cluster and mongoDB

    Execute Prometheus-master.yaml script.

    $ ansible-playbook prometheus-master.yaml

    This script will create the following serviceaccount, clusterrolebinding, namespace, install prometheus using helm chart, cadvisor and mongoDB exporter. Allow port 30090 in AWS Security group to access Prometheus using K8s Master IP.

    Now, you can verify the mongoDB container status using below command

    $ kubectl get pods -n monitoring

  • Prometheus installation includes the following,

    • $ kubectl create serviceaccount --namespace kube-system tiller
    • $ kubectl create clusterrolebinding tiller-cluster-rule --clusterrole=cluster-admin --serviceaccount=kube-system:tiller
    • $ kubectl patch deploy --namespace kube-system tiller-deploy -p '{"spec":{"template":{"spec":{"serviceAccount":"tiller"}}}}'
    • $ kubectl create namespace monitoring
    • $ helm install stable/prometheus-operator --name opc-prom --set prometheus.service.type=NodePort --namespace monitoring
    • $ kubectl apply -f mongoext-deployment.yaml,mongoext-svc.yaml,mongoext-sm.yaml -n monitoring
    • $ kubectl apply -f cadvisor.yaml,cadvisor-svc.yaml,cadvisor-sm.yaml -n monitoring

In mongoDB exporter, MongoDB URI pointed to shards DNS to collect mongoDB metrics.

      affinity: {}
      - args:
        - --mongodb.uri=mongodb://mongo-shard0-0.mongo-shard0-svc.default.svc.cluster.local:27017
        - --web.listen-address=:9216
        - --collect.collection
        - --collect.database
        - --collect.indexusage
        - --collect.topmetrics
        image: ssheehy/mongodb-exporter:0.7.0


Following table shows the different options to deploy kubernetes cluster and mongoDB.

Parameter Description Default
cluster_name Name of the cluster to be created. The name has to end with the domain name if DNS zone hoster in Route53 kubernetes-cluster.k8s.local
state_store Name of the AWS S3 bucket to be used as kops state store s3://cluster-state-store
aws_region AWS region in which cluster nodes to be deployed ap-south-1
aws_zones AWS availability zone in which cluster nodes to be deployed ap-south-1a
master_zones AWS availability zone to deploy master node ap-south-1a
vpc_id Mention your VPC id exists in your AWS account to launch cluster instances for example - vpc-xxxxxxxx
network_cidr Mention your existing VPC CIDR range For example-10.x.x.x/16
subnet_id Subnet id of existing public subnet for exampe - subnet-xxxxxxxxx
master_size EC2 instance size for the kubernetes master node t2.medium
master_count Number of EC2 master nodes 1
master_volume_size Size of the master node disk volume in GB 50
node_size EC2 instance size for the kubernetes worker nodes t2.medium
node_count Number of EC2 worker nodes 3
node_volume_size Size of the worker node disk volume in GB t2.medium
topology Defines whether the cluster should be deployed into public subnet or private subnet with bastion host public
public_ip Switch to enable/disable public ip assignment true
base_image Image used for all the instances
kubernetes_networking Defines which networking plugin should be used in Kubernetes. Tested with flannel-vxlan only. flannel-vxlan
kubernetes_version Version of kubernetes which should be used. 1.11.3
allow_container_registry Optional, to allow read access to Amazon ECR true
legacy Optional, to use the legacy IAM privileges false
mongodbUsername MongoDB custom user admin
mongodbRootPassword MongoDb admin Password Welcome@321

Reference Blogs and Links

"Sharded MongoDB on Kubernetes using local persistent volumes on AWS By Sabarish Sasidharan "


Creating a kubernetes cluster on AWS EC2 (IaaS) deploy MongoDB cluster and Prometheus.






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