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@maxxer maxxer released this 09 Jan 09:03
· 94 commits to master since this release

Welcome to the latest stable release of Yii2-Usuario, 1.6.0, after long time. People still running on Boostrap 3 environments are encouraged to switch to this version and abandon dev-master, as work for bringing BS4 and BS5 support is coming soon.
There are some changes which devs upgrading should take care of, please read through all the notes.

This release makes a step forward in PHP compatibility, leaving behind obsolete versions. While yii2-usuario should still work without issues on 5.6, from now on testing and development will look forward and maintain only >=7.4 versions.

There's also a security issue for 2FA tokens: settings/two-factor route wasn't checking for the currently logged in user, so any authenticated account could access to all user's 2FA root code. If you cannot upgrade, check 24d5d5744fe0. Many thanks to Scott Tester for responsibly reporting it.

There's also a change in flash messages handling, please see #391 for details.

For a full list of changes, see

Thanks to everyone who contributed in these years, and to those willing to continue.