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My personal Bspwm desktop configuration on Arch Linux.


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2C Desktop: Bspwm

This repository contains my (2art) personal desktop configuration on Arch Linux, for the Bspwm window manager. This theme configuration uses and configures the following default applications:

  • Window Manager: Bspwm
  • Compositor: Picom
  • Notification Daemon: Dunst
  • App Launcher/Switcher: Rofi
  • File Manager: Thunar
  • Web Browser: LibreWolf
  • Keyboard Shortcuts: Sxhkd, Xorg-Xmodmap
  • Terminal Emulator: Alacritty
  • Top Bar: Polybar
  • Editors: Nano, Mousepad
  • Media: Mpv, Viewnior, Feh

Configs and default apps that are used are updated as this project develops; For example, terminal editor (nvim) config is not included yet, although it may get it's own repository instead.

Script for Setting Up Repository

Setup sym-links

# First, find symlinks in home directory that are broken and delete any. Ask the
# user before deleting any to confirm.
broken_symlinks=( $(find ~ -type l -xtype l -and \( -not -path "*dxo.profile*/*" -and -not -ipath "*/Steam*" -and -not -path "*.steam*" -and -not -path "*/systemd* \) -print) )
if (( $#broken_symlinks > 0 )); then
  printf '\e[34;1mFound following broken symlinks from home directory:\n\e[22;33m'
  for d in "${broken_symlinks[@]}"; do echo $d; done
  printf '\e[0m\n\nDelete these broken symlinks? [y/N]: '
  read -k1 ans
  printf '\n'
  if [[ $ans =~ '^[yY]$' ]]; then
    for d in "${broken_symlinks[@]}"; do rm -fv "$d"; done

# Find directories to be symlinked; Process each one by one, to see if the symlink is missing so far.
find /home/dxo/.2c/bspwm/home/.config/* -maxdepth 0 -type d -not -path '*/.git/*' -and -not -path "*/systemd*" | while read f; do
  if [[ ! -h "$tgt" ]]; then
        printf '\e[32;1mCreating symlink: %s\n\e[33;22m' "${tgt}"
        ln -sfv "${f}" "${tgt}"
        printf '\e[0m\n'

Packages to Install

  • Theme: xfce-simple-dark (included in pacman command lines below)

  • Icons: candy-icons-git (included in pacman command lines below)

  • Fonts: Mainly 'EnvyCodeR Nerd Font'

  • Cursors: xcursor-menda-git

    Clone NerdFonts with git clone --depth 1 and follow the installation instructions in

    Optionally, just install 'ttf-envycoder-nerd' via pacman -Syu ttf-envycoder-nerd to only use this one recommended font.

pacman/yay Command Line Copy-Paste

# Required packages
sudo pacman -Syu --needed bspwm picom dunst rofi thunar sxhkd xorg-xmodmap alacritty polybar nano mousepad mpv viewnior feh lxappearance-gtk3
yay -Syu --needed librewolf-bin xfce-simple-dark candy-icons-git xcursor-menda-git

# Optional Applications:
sudo pacman -Syu thunar-volman thunar-media-tags-plugin thunar-archive-plugin ttf-envycoder-nerd bat
yay -Syu profile-sync-daemon-librewolf

Git Branching Model

The model detailed here is somewhat followed in all repos. Below are general rules for branching and merges, for all repositories.

  • Merges should never be fast-forwarded, but merge-commits instead. This means using either git merge --no-ff <branch>, or specifying git config merge.ff false in .gitconfig. This way the command-line option doesn't need to be specified each time.

  • Branches should provide a description (git branch --edit-description), which helps in organizing, and is also appended into merge messages.

  • main contains a working-state copy from a certain point in development.

  • dev is used as a base for all development, and the repository usually sits in this state. Only this branch merges to main when appropriate.

  • Feature and bugfix branches branch from dev and should generally not be long-lived. They should always be deleted after being merged, with git branch -d. Same branch name may be used again later, but still delete right after merge.

  • Version releases are done using tags when it feels appropriate (e.g. structure changes, finished scripts, modules or plugins). Read more about it here: Git Tagging Basics and Git Tag Reference.