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A C++20 header-only wrapper for the game programming library Allegro5. It aims to combine the strengths of C++20 and Allegro to provide the most ergonomic low-level, cross-platform utility possible for creating games or other hardware-accelerated applications.

The library is still very work-in-progress and is missing a small percentage of Allegro's features, as well as documentation. However, it already facilitates far cleaner, more concise and less error-prone code than plain Allegro, while achieving zero or negligible overhead.

The best way to get started right now is to look at the examples. A series of tutorials will be written in the future to make axxegro accessible.

Work-in-progress also means that the API is completely unstable and might change on any scale at any time.

main features so far

  • Full RAII for everything
  • Even more RAII (scoped transforms, target bitmaps etc.)
  • Wrappers for most of Allegro
  • Built-in homebrew Vec* and Rect classes for screen coordinate manipulation
  • An EventLoop class that handles boilerplate for basic programs
  • Template-powered user event support
  • Type-safe audio processing
  • Type-safe bitmap locking
  • constexpr colors and helper functions
  • opt-out automatic addon initialization
  • exceptions for common failure points (no more mysterious segfaults when you forget to al_init() or misspell a filename)


The following snippets showcase selected axxegro features.

For complete example programs with explanatory comments, see examples/src.

The Hello World triangle

#include <axxegro/axxegro.hpp>

int main() {
	al::Display display(800, 600);
	std::vector<al::Vertex> vertices = {
		{.pos = {400, 100, 0}, .uvPx = {0, 0}, .color = al::Red},
		{.pos = {250, 400, 0}, .uvPx = {0, 0}, .color = al::Green},
		{.pos = {550, 400, 0}, .uvPx = {0, 0}, .color = al::Blue}


Loading and drawing a bitmap

al::Bitmap lena = al::LoadBitmap("lena.jpg");
/* ... */
lena.draw({0, 0});

Basic event loop

al::EventLoop loop(al::DemoEventLoopConfig);

//or, equivalently: 
al::EventLoop loop(EventLoopConfig {
    .autoRegisterEvents = al::KeyboardEventSourceBit | al::MouseEventSourceBit | al::CurrentDisplayEventSourceBit,
    .enableQuitTriggers = al::QuitOnDisplayClosedBit | al::QuitOnEscPressedBit,
    .autoAcknowledgeResize = true,
    .framerateLimit = al::FPSLimit::Auto

//config can be modified, for example:
using namespace al::Literals;

//do something when we press enter
loop.eventDispatcher.onKeyDown(ALLEGRO_KEY_ENTER, [&](){

Using an event queue manually

al::EventQueue queue;

for(bool exit = false; !exit; ) {
	al::EventOwner event = queue.wait();
	if(event.get().type == ALLEGRO_EVENT_DISPLAY_CLOSE) {
		exit = true;
	/* etc... */

Bitmap locking

al::Bitmap fractal(512, 512);

auto region = fractal.lock<al::PixelARGB8888>();
for(int y=0; y<region.height(); y++) {
	auto row = region.row(y);
	for(int x=0; x<row.mSize(); x++) {
		row[x].g = mandelbrot(x, y);

There's a ton more exciting stuff I haven't shown here, so feel free to explore :)

Compiler support

Tested on GCC 13.1 and Clang 15.


Examples and documentation can be built with CMake:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make -j $(nproc)

If Allegro can be found by CMake, no further configuration is required. If you prefer to not install Allegro to your toolchain/system path, you may specify a custom CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH.


Allegro needs to be installed separately. Refer to the Allegro Wiki for installation instructions.

Since axxegro is plain C++20, it is enough to copy the headers to a working Allegro5 project and compile with -I<path_to_axxegro>.

It is also supported to use axxegro as a subdirectory in a CMake project:

target_link_libraries(my_game axxegro)

which will handle the Allegro dependency automatically, as long as it is installed somewhere CMake can find it.

If you are using shared Allegro libraries on Windows, you can place DLLs in /dll and CMake will copy them to your build automatically.

Coming soon™:

  • CMake installation and package config files
  • vcpkg support
  • conan support

development progress

As I'm writing this, the library is about 80% done. Everything in Allegro has an axxegro equivalent, except the following missing things:

high priority

  • a subset of gfx routines (blending modes)
  • platform-specific functions
  • native dialog menus

medium priority

  • virtual filesystem, PhysicsFS and memfile
  • some audio features (devices etc)
  • haptic
  • joystick
  • state
  • system routines
  • touch input
  • make addons optional like in plain allegro

low priority / won't be done


(WARNING docs are very incomplete at the moment and will probably move to something other than doxygen)

Documentation will be generated and placed in build/docs if Doxygen is found and AXXEGRO_BUILD_DOCS is set to ON (which is the default for AXXEGRO_MASTER_PROJECT)


axxegro builds on the excellent work of the creators of Allegro 5:


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