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REST API for Phonebook

Project Description

Personal phone book backend based on MongoDB database that allows users to add, edit, delete and view their contacts. The application implements user registration and authentication. Authorized users can add, edit, delete and view their contacts.
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API Endpoints

Google Authentication

@ GET /auth/google
Initiates Google authentication. Redirects the user to Google for authentication.
@ GET /auth/google-redirect
Handles the redirect after successful Google authentication. Redirects to the specified success or failure URLs. Returns a user object with email and subscription, as well as a JWT token that is needed to authenticate on other endpoints.

Routing for working with users

@ POST /api/users/register
User registration. Accepts an object with email, passwords and subscription fields. Returns a user object with email and subscription, or an error if such an email is already registered.
@ GET /api/users/verify/:verificationToken
User verification by the verificationToken parameter. Accepts a verificationToken as a search parameter. Confirms the registration and returns a successful verification message or an error if the user is not found or the verificationToken is invalid.
@ POST /api/users/verify
Resending an email to a user with a verification link. Accepts an object with email. Returns a success message or an error if the user is not found or verification has already passed.
@ POST /api/users/login
User authorization. Accepts an object with email and password fields. Returns a user object with email and subscription, as well as a JWT token that is needed to authenticate on other endpoints.
@ POST /api/users/logout
Exit the current user from the profile. Removes the token from the user or returns an error if the user does not exist.
@ GET /api/users/current
Getting user data by his token. Returns a user object with email and subscription, or an error if there is no such email in the database.
@ PATCH /api/users
Changing a user's subscription. Accepts an object with a subscription field of 'starter', 'pro', or 'business'. Requires authorization using a JWT token in the Authorization header.
@ PATCH /api/users/avatars
User avatar update. Accepts an object with a avatar file. Requires authorization using a JWT token in the Authorization header.

Routing for working with a collection of contacts

@ GET /api/contacts
Get all contacts for a specific user. Requires authorization using a JWT token in the Authorization header.
@ GET /api/contacts/:contactId
Getting one contact by its id. Requires authorization using a JWT token in the Authorization header.
@ POST /api/contacts
Adding a new contact. Accepts an object with fields name, email, phone, favorite (true/false). Requires authorization using a JWT token in the Authorization header.
@ PUT /api/contacts/:contactId
Changing a contact. Accepts an object with fields name, email, phone, favorite (true/false). Requires authorization using a JWT token in the Authorization header.
@ DELETE /api/contacts/:contactId
Deleting a contact. Requires authorization using a JWT token in the Authorization header.
@ PATCH /api/contacts/:contactId/favorite
Changing the favorite field for one contact by its id. Requires authorization using a JWT token in the Authorization header.


  • npm start or yarn start — server start in production mode
  • npm run start:dev or yarn start:dev — start the server in development mode
  • npm run lint or yarn lint — run a code check with eslint, must run before each PR and fix all linter errors
  • npm lint:fix or yarn lint:fix — the same linter check, but with automatic fixes for simple errors
  • npm run test or yarn test — running Jest tests for registration and login

Used Libraries

  • express-session: Middleware for managing user sessions.
  • bcrypt: Password hashing library.
  • cloudinary: Cloud image and video upload and manipulation service.
  • cors: Middleware for enabling Cross-Origin Resource Sharing.
  • cross-env: Environment variable setting utility.
  • dotenv: Environment variable management.
  • express: Web application framework for Node.js.
  • gravatar: Avatar image service based on user's email.
  • jest: JavaScript testing framework.
  • jimp: JavaScript image processing library.
  • joi: Object schema description language and validator for JavaScript objects.
  • jsonwebtoken: JSON Web Token (JWT) authentication library.
  • mongoose: MongoDB object modeling for Node.js.
  • morgan: HTTP request logger middleware.
  • multer: Middleware for handling file uploads.
  • nanoid: Unique ID generation library.
  • nodemailer: Send email from Node.js applications.
  • nodemon: Utility for auto-restarting Node.js applications during development.
  • supertest: HTTP assertions for API testing.
  • swagger-ui-express: Swagger UI for visualizing and interacting with API documentation.
  • passport: Authentication middleware.
  • passport-google-oauth20: Passport strategy for authenticating with Google using OAuth 2.0.