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0-Deps, simple, fast, for browser and node js object schema validator


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Ascertain what data is not suitable for your library

0-Deps, simple, blazing fast, for browser and Node.js object schema validator

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  • Type-safe validation: Ensures your data conforms to predefined schemas.
  • Composite schemas: Supports logical AND, OR, and optional schemas.
  • Type casting: Automatically parses and casts strings to other types.
  • Error handling: Provides detailed error messages for invalid data.

Schema description

  • Primitive Values: Any primitive value (e.g., string, number, bigint, boolean, undefined, symbol, null) is used as an expected constant to match against.
  • Function Types: Functions are used as constructors for non-objects and instance types for object types.
  • Array Values: Arrays are used to represent an expected array type, where every item in the array must match the specified type (acting as an "and" operator).
  • Regular Expressions: Regular expressions are used to validate that a value matches a specified string pattern.
  • Object Types: Non-null objects are used as templates for expected properties, where each property of the object must match the corresponding schema definition.

Usage Example

Schema compilation

import { compile, optional, and, or, $keys, $values, Schema, as } from 'ascertain';

const validate = compile({
  number: Number,
  string: String,
  boolean: Boolean,
  function: Function,
  array: Array,
  object: Object,
  date: and(Date, { toJSON: Function }),
  regexp: /regexp/,
  oneOfValue: or(1, 2, 3),
  arrayOfNumbers: [Number],
  objectSchema: {
    number: Number,
  optional: optional({
    number: Number,
  keyValue: {
    [$keys]: /^key[A-Z]/,
    [$values]: Number
  parsedNumber: Number,
  parsedString: String,
  parsedBoolean: Boolean,
  parsedArray: [String],
  parsedJSON: {
    number: 1,
  parsedBase64: String,
  parsedTime: 2 * 60 * 1000, // two minutes
  parsedDate: Date,

Runtime validation

Create data ascertain

import { ascertain, optional, and, or, $keys, $values, Schema, as } from 'ascertain';

// create data sample
const data = {
  number: 1,
  string: 'string',
  boolean: true,
  function: () => {},
  array: [],
  object: {},
  date: new Date,
  regexp: 'regexp',
  oneOfValue: 1,
  arrayOfNumbers: [1,2,3,4,5],
  objectSchema: {
    number: 1,
  optional: null,
  keyValue: {
    keyOne: 1,
    keyTwo: 2,
    keyThree: 3,
  // fault tolernat type casting
  parsedNumber: as.number('1'),
  parsedString: as.string('string'),
  parsedBoolean: as.boolean('false'),
  parsedArray: as.array('1,2,3,4,5', ','),
  parsedJSON: as.json('{ "number": 1 }'),
  parsedBase64: as.base64('dGVzdA=='),
  parsedTime: as.time('2m'),

// create data schema
const schema: Schema<typeof data> = {
  number: Number,
  string: String,
  boolean: Boolean,
  function: Function,
  array: Array,
  object: Object,
  date: and(Date, { toJSON: Function }),
  regexp: /regexp/,
  oneOfValue: or(1, 2, 3),
  arrayOfNumbers: [Number],
  objectSchema: {
    number: Number,
  optional: optional({
    number: Number,
  keyValue: {
    [$keys]: /^key[A-Z]/,
    [$values]: Number
  parsedNumber: Number,
  parsedString: String,
  parsedBoolean: Boolean,
  parsedArray: [String],
  parsedJSON: {
    number: 1,
  parsedBase64: String,
  parsedTime: 2 * 60 * 1000, // two minutes
  parsedDate: Date,

// validate
const validate = ascertain<typeof data>(schema, data, '[DATA]');

Benchmark VS zod and ajv

⭐ Script ajv-vs-zod-vs-ascertain.js
  ⇶ Suite ajv vs zod vs ascertain
    ➤ Perform benchmark
      ✓ Measure 500000 zod static schema validation
        │ (index)  │ med      │ p95      │ p99      │ total      │ count  │
        │ 0.000699 │ 0.000788 │ 0.000996 │ 0.001624 │ 462.602373 │ 500000 │
      ✓ Measure 500000 zod dynamic schema validation
        │ (index)  │ med      │ p95      │ p99      │ total       │ count  │
        │ 0.006248 │ 0.006918 │ 0.007524 │ 0.016948 │ 3780.465563 │ 500000 │
      ✓ Measure 500000 ascertain static schema validation
        │ (index)  │ med      │ p95      │ p99      │ total     │ count  │
        │ 0.000063 │ 0.000071 │ 0.000098 │ 0.000267 │ 41.673271 │ 500000 │
      ✓ Measure 500000 ascertain dynamic schema validation
        │ (index)  │ med      │ p95      │ p99      │ total      │ count  │
        │ 0.000367 │ 0.000415 │ 0.000525 │ 0.001055 │ 239.078129 │ 500000 │
      ✓ Measure 500000 ajv compiled schema validation
        │ (index)  │ med      │ p95      │ p99      │ total     │ count  │
        │ 0.000063 │ 0.000072 │ 0.000124 │ 0.000307 │ 44.542936 │ 500000 │


License The MIT License Copyright (c) 2019-2024 Ivan Zakharchanka