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start working on splitting browser code into separate file(s)
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3b committed Jun 10, 2011
1 parent 9c42e19 commit d590da9
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Showing 3 changed files with 334 additions and 0 deletions.
46 changes: 46 additions & 0 deletions contrib/slimy/package.lisp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
(cl:in-package #:cl-user)
(cl:defpackage #:web-socket-js
(:export #:*web-socket
(cl:defpackage #:slimy
(:use :cl :ps))

(ps:obfuscate-package '#:slimy)
(ps:unobfuscate-package '#:slimy)
(ps:obfuscate-package '#:slimy
(let ((code-pt-counter #x100)
(symbol-map (make-hash-table)))
(lambda (symbol)
(or (gethash symbol symbol-map)
(setf (gethash symbol symbol-map)
(make-symbol (string (code-char (incf code-pt-counter)))))))))

;;; this stuff should probably be somewhere else...
(in-package #:slimy)
;; wip hack for making functions in objects nicer to deal with
;; across slime-proxy:
;; store the function body as a lambda in the specified object
;; and define a macro so the function/arglist/etc show up in ps,
;; which expands to a call to the function in the object/
(defpsmacro defun-wrapped ((&rest scoped-name) lambda-list &body body)
(let ((w (gensym)))
(defmacro ,(car (last scoped-name)) (&whole ,w ,@lambda-list)
`(funcall (ps:@ ,@',scoped-name) ,@(cdr ,w)))
(setf (@ ,@scoped-name)
(lambda ,lambda-list
;; same thing for variables, member in object + symbol-macro to access it
(defpsmacro defvar-wrapped ((&rest scoped-name) value)
(define-symbol-macro ,(car (last scoped-name))
(ps:@ ,@scoped-name))
(setf (@ ,@scoped-name) ,value)))
157 changes: 157 additions & 0 deletions contrib/slimy/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
;;; -*- Mode: LISP; slime-proxy-proxy-connection: t -*-
(in-package :slimy)

(defvar #:+swank_proxy_ui+ (or #:+swank_proxy_ui+ (create)))

(defun-wrapped (+swank_proxy_ui+ line) (message)
(let ((cc ($ "#slime-proxy-console-output")))
(chain cc
(append (ps-html ((:div :style "white-space:pre-wrap")))))
(chain cc (children) (last)
(text message)))
(let ((cc ($ "#slime-proxy-console-output")))
(chain cc
(scroll-top (- (chain cc (prop "scrollHeight"))
(chain cc (height)))))))

(defun-wrapped (+swank_proxy_ui+ html-line) (message)
(let ((cc ($ "#slime-proxy-console-output")))
(chain cc
(append (ps-html ((:div :style "white-space:pre-wrap") message)))
(scroll-top (- (chain cc (prop "scrollHeight"))
(chain cc (height)))))))

(defvar-wrapped (+swank_proxy_ui+ console-commands) (create))

(defun-wrapped (+swank_proxy_ui+ handle-console-input) (input)
;;default input parser, not very smart... eventually should be configurable
(let* ((parts (chain input (split " ")))
(cmd (aref console-commands (chain parts (shift)))))
(chain ($ "#slime-proxy-console-input-text") (val ""))
;; fixme: decide where this goes or conditionalize it or something
(send-message (+ "input: " input))
(line (+ "> " input ""))
(when cmd
(apply cmd parts))))

(defun-wrapped (+swank_proxy_ui+ input-submit-handler) ()
(let* ((input (chain ($ "#slime-proxy-console-input-text") (val))))
(handle-console-input input))
(defun-wrapped (+swank_proxy_ui+ init) ()
(let ((cc ($ "#slime-proxy-console")))
;; create a div to use for the UI if it doens't already exist
(when (= 0 (chain cc (size)))
(chain ($ "body")
(append (ps-html ((:div :id "slime-proxy-console") "cc"))))
(setf cc ($ "#slime-proxy-console")))
;; and configure it TODO: move more of this to separate .css?
(chain cc
(css (create "position" "fixed"
"bottom" "0"
"left" "1em"
"color" "green"
"border" "green"
"border-style" "double"
"padding" "0.7em"
;; see for IE versions...
"background" "rgb(0,0,0) transparent"
"background" "rgba(0,0,0,0.9) "
"opacity" "1"
"height" "auto"
;"max-height" "30em"
"width" "60em"
"overflow" "visible"
"font-family" "monospace"
"font-size" "8pt"))
((:div :id "slime-proxy-console-output"
:style "overflow:auto; max-height:30em;")
(:h2 "..."))
((:div :id "slime-proxy-console-input"
:style "border-top:1px solid green"
:width "auto")
((:span :style "position:absolute;margin:none") "> ")
((:form :id "slime-proxy-console-input-form"
:action "#"
:style "width:auto;margin:0;padding:0;border:0"
:onsubmit (ps-inline (progn (input-submit-handler)
(return #:false))))
((:input :type :text
:id "slime-proxy-console-input-text"
:style "text-indent:1.5em;margin:0;width:100%;background:none;color:green;border:0"

(defun-wrapped (+swank_proxy_ui+ embed) ()
(chain ($ "#slime-proxy-console") (css (create "position" "relative"))))
(defun-wrapped (+swank_proxy_ui+ float) ()
(chain ($ "#slime-proxy-console") (css (create "position" "fixed"))))
(defun-wrapped (+swank_proxy_ui+ clear) ()
(chain ($ "#slime-proxy-console-output")

;;; default console commands

;; todo: useful help message
(setf (@ console-commands "?") (lambda () (line "halp!"))
(@ console-commands "help") (@ console-commands "?"))

(setf (@ console-commands "clear") (lambda () (clear)))

(setf (@ console-commands "look")
(lambda ()
(line "You are on an infinite, featureless plane. You can go N,E,S,W."))
(@ console-commands "l") (@ console-commands "look"))
(setf (@ console-commands "N") (lambda () (line "You go north."))
(@ console-commands "n") (@ console-commands "N"))
(setf (@ console-commands "S") (lambda () (line "You go south."))
(@ console-commands "s") (@ console-commands "S"))
(setf (@ console-commands "E") (lambda () (line "You go east."))
(@ console-commands "e") (@ console-commands "E"))
(setf (@ console-commands "W") (lambda () (line "You go west."))
(@ console-commands "w") (@ console-commands "W"))

(setf (@ console-commands "ls")
(lambda ()
(line ". ..")
(line "It's a UNIX system. I know this!")))

(setf (@ console-commands "(+")
(lambda () (line "3")))

;;; initialize console once document is loaded
(chain ($ "document") (ready (lambda ()
((@ console log) "ready")
((@ +swank_proxy_ui+ init)))))

(ps:chain ($ "#hh") (hide "fast"))
(ps:chain ($ "#hh") (show "slow"))

(ps:chain ($ "#hh") (parent) (append "<h1>test2</h1>"))
(ps:chain ($ "body") (append "<h1>test3</h1>")
(show "slow")
(end) (css (create "border" "0")) (end)
(css (create "border" "1px solid green")))

(line "foo23!")

(chain ($ "#slime-proxy-console") (get 0))

131 changes: 131 additions & 0 deletions contrib/slimy/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
;;; -*- Mode: LISP; slime-proxy-proxy-connection: t -*-
(in-package :slimy)

(defvar #:+swank_proxy+ (or #:+swank_proxy+ (create)))
(defvar #:+swank_proxy_impl+ (or #:+swank_proxy_impl+ (create)))

(setf (@ web-socket-js:*web-socket web-socket-js:__swf-location)

(setf (@ web-socket-js:*web-socket web-socket-js:__debug)

(defvar-wrapped (+swank_proxy_impl+ ws) (or (@ +swank_proxy_impl+ ws) #:null))
(defvar-wrapped (+swank_proxy_impl+ count) 0)
(defvar-wrapped (+swank_proxy_impl+ active) nil)
(defvar-wrapped (+swank_proxy_impl+ ui) nil)

(defun-wrapped (+swank_proxy_impl+ toplevel-eval) (form)
((@ window eval) form))

(defun-wrapped (+swank_proxy_impl+ output) (message)
(when ui
(if (= message "")
((@ ui line) "")
((@ ui line) message)))
(when (and console (@ console log)
(/= message ""))
((@ console log)
(+ "slimy: " message)))
(defun-wrapped (+swank_proxy_impl+ clear-output) ()
(when ui
(chain ui (clear))))

(defun-wrapped (+swank_proxy_impl+ format-result) (value)
(if (= "object" (typeof value))
((@ value to-source))
(:catch (e)
((@ #:+json+ #:stringify) value)))
((@ #:+json+ #:stringify) value)))

(defun-wrapped (+swank_proxy_impl+ handle-message) (msg)
#++(output (+ "onmessage:" msg))
(try (let ((j ((@ #:+json+ #:parse)
((@ j "FORM")
(let ((r (toplevel-eval (@ j "FORM"))))
(output "")
(output (+ "eval [" (@ j "ID")
"]: " (@ j "FORM")))
(when active
((@ ws #:send) ((@ #:+json+ #:stringify)
(create "OK" #:true
"ID" (@ j "ID")))))
(output (+ " ->: " (format-result
((@ j "ACTIVATE")
(output (+ "@@ activate : " (@ j "ACTIVE")))
(setf active (@ j "ACTIVE")))
((@ j "MESSAGE")
(output (+ "message: " (@ j "MESSAGE"))))))
(:catch (e)
(when (@ j "FORM")
(when (and console (@ console log))
((@ console log)
(+ "eval error: " e)))
(when active
((@ ws #:send) (+ ""
((@ #:+json+ #:stringify)
(create "OK" #:false
"RESULT" #:null
"ID" (@ j "ID")))))))))

(defun-wrapped (+swank_proxy+ send-message) (message)
(when ws
((@ ws #:send) message)))

(defun-wrapped (+swank_proxy+ close) ()
(when ws
((@ ws #:close))))

(defun-wrapped (+swank_proxy+ init) ()
(when ws
(when (/= (typeof +swank_proxy_ui+) "undefined")
((@ console log) "ui")
(setf ui +swank_proxy_ui+))
(setf ws (new (#:*web-socket
(+ "ws://" (@ window location hostname) ":12344/swank")))
(@ ws #:onopen) (lambda ()
(output "onopen"))
(@ ws #:onmessage) (lambda (e)
(handle-message (@ e data)))
(@ ws #:onclose) (lambda ()
(output "onclose"))
(@ ws #:onerror) (lambda ()
(output "onerror"))))

(when (/= (typeof +swank_proxy_ui+) "undefined")
(setf (@ console-commands "activate")
(lambda () (output "trying to activate...") (send-message "activate")))
(setf (@ console-commands "sync")
(lambda () (send-message "sync")))
(setf (@ console-commands "kick")
(lambda () (send-message "kick me"))))


(setf (@ ((@ document get-element-by-id ) "hh") inner-h-t-m-l)
(setf (@ ((@ document get-element-by-id ) "hh") inner-h-t-m-l)

((@ +swank_proxy+ send-message) "sync")

((@ +swank_proxy+ send-message) "activate")

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