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YouTube Playback Technology
for Video.js Build Status

Selenium Test Status

YouTube playback technology for the Video.js player.


You can use bower (bower install videojs-youtube), npm (npm install videojs-youtube) or the source and build it using grunt. Then, the only file you need is dist/


<!DOCTYPE html>
  <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="" />
  <script src=""></script>
  <script src=""></script>
  <video id="vid1" src="" class="video-js vjs-default-skin" controls preload="auto" width="640" height="360" data-setup='{ "techOrder": ["youtube"], "src": "" }'>

See the examples folder for more

How does it work?

Including the script will add the YouTube as a tech. You just have to add it to your techOrder option. Then, you add the option src with your YouTube URL.

It supports:

Additional Options

This plugin exposes the following additional player options:

  • ytcontrols (Boolean): Display the YouTube player controls instead of the Video.js player controls. (default false)
  • quality (String): Set the default video quality. Should be one of 1080p, 720p, 480p, 360p, 240p, 144p.
  • playsInline (Boolean): Sets the playsinline YouTube player parameter to enable inline playback on iOS
  • forceHTML5 (Boolean): Forces loading the YouTube HTML5 player (default true)
  • forceSSL (Boolean): Forces loading the YouTube API over https (default true)

##Special Thank You Thanks to Steve Heffernan for the amazing Video.js and to John Hurliman for the original version of the YouTube tech


YouTube playback technology for Video.js






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