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This repository is no longer maintained and has therefore been archived. Feel free to use and extend the code, but we are aware that it might have security leaks, no longer supported dependencies or might not work at all.


smartSensorEditor is an extension on the smartEditor. The smartEditor provides a form-based user interface to easily edit ISO 19139 and INSPIRE metadata documents, with support for templates and validation, including error highlighting. Also the data can be uploaded to an OGC CSW 2.02 endpoint to communicate with a metadata management system.

smartSensorEditor extends these functionalities to to edit metadata based on SensorML v. 2.0. Although the original smartEditor was not designed to handle any other metadata standards, it was suitable to be extended to reuse aspects such as server-side validation with Schematron, user interface and styling, and drafts and template management.

Version Notes

This project was tested with the following versions:

  • Java JDK: 1.7.x
  • Apache Maven: 3.2.3
  • Apache Tomcat: 7.0.x
  • smartEditor: 2.1.6

Install Sensor Editor

You must download and build the project from source using git and Maven:

Clone source code repository:

git clone

Build api and webapp modules: Because of the maven notice plugin the following command needs an internet connection to check the license of the third party software.

mvn clean install

The created war file sensorSmartEditor.war can then be found in: "SmartSensorEditor/smartsensoreditor-webapp/target".

Configure Tomcat:
Next you have to make sure that the needed runtime environment (Java and Tomcat) are properly installed. To make sure that the right java version is used (for linux, windoes is similar):
Create a file (for linux) and write the following:
If another program should run on the tomcat then the an additional line in has to be added:
export JAVA_OPTS="-Xms128m -Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -server"

Quick start:
Put the file sensorSmartEditor.war into the webapp folder of Tomcat and start Tomcat.

Start with all features:
If the feature for storing templates should be available, then additionally a database has to be created. For more information please take a look at the following link:
The database URL, username, the password and the database driver have to be accessible for Tomcat. The instructions can be found at this link:

Then open the browser at http://localhost:8080/smartSensorEditor. The form for SensorML can be opened by clicking on the button "Sensor".


User and developer documentation for smartEditor can be found in the 52North wiki.

Documentation specific to smartSensorEditor is in this document.


You can report bugs on GitHub and ask for help on the Metadata Management community mailing list (after looking at the guidelines).



To contribute to this project you must sign the 52°North CLA.

Collaboration Model

We follow the fork & pull development model:

Code Structure

smartSensorEditor is a Maven overlay of the original smartEditor webapp. It consists of two modules:

smartEditor uses the Spring Framework and all configuration happens via Spring Beans in XML files. For processing of XML documents, smartEditor uses a combination of XSLT and Groovy. For the front end Java Server Pages (jsp) are used. Therefore files of all of the above types were added to adjust smartEditor for SensorML and unit tests were written to ensure working code.

Changes with reference to smartEditor project

The following files of the smartEditor-api sub project are modified:

  • org.n52.smartsensoreditor.beans
      original file:
      original file:
      original file:
  • org.n52.smartsensoreditor.controller
      original file:
      original file:
      original file:
      original file:
      original file:
  • org.n52.smartsensoreditor.cswclient.facades
      original file:
      original file:
  • org.n52.smartsensoreditor.cswclient.util
      original file:
  • org.n52.smartsensoreditor.dao
      original file:
      original file:
  • org.n52.smartsensoreditor.service
      original file:
  • org.n52.smartsensoreditor.validator
      original file:
  • org.n52.smartsensoreditor.xml
      original file:

The following files of the smartEditor-webapp sub project are needed to be modified or were created:
resources folder:

  • new groovy beans in resources/groovy
  • new xsl file extractDataFromSOSDescribeSensorResponse.xsl for tansformation of incoming SOS data in resources/internal/external
  • new xslt files for creating SOAP requests in ``resources/requests`
  • new template files in resources/templates
  • new XML files for validation in resources/validation
  • new XSLT files to transform between bean and document in resources/xslt
  • adapt resources/codelist_enumeration.xml, resources/, and resources/ for a new sensor button
  • adapt resources/ and resources/ for error messages, element labels and validation errors
  • adapt resources/ to define SOS Operations needed for the RequestFactory and the operationSOSManager states Beans
  • adapt resources/log4j.xml to add a smartSensorEditor logger

webapp folder:

  • new images for the tootips in webapp/images
  • new JavaScript files for highlighting the form fields in webapp/js/validation
  • adapt the standard.css in webapp/styles for the SOS extension
  • new tooltip files in webapp/tooltips

webapp/WEB-INF folder:

  • adapt webapp/WEB-INF/defs/tiles-editor.xml to declare the .jsp files for each form element
  • adapt webapp/WEB-INF/defs/tiles-elements.xml to define the .jsp files for multi form elements
  • adapt webapp/WEB-INF/beans-definitions.xml to define the beans of the form elements and declare them in the backendBean
  • adapt webapp/WEB-INF/dao-definitions.xml for the SOS extension
  • adapt webapp/WEB-INF/dispatcher-servlet.xml to change the bean declarations
  • adapt webapp/WEB-INF/service-definitions.xml to declare the validators and set the activeBeanNamesRegex
  • adapt webapp/WEB-INF/util-config-definitions.xml to define additional information for the SmartSensorEditor separate
  • adapt webapp/WEB-INF/validator-definitions.xml to define the new validators

webapp/WEB-INF/jsp folder:

  • new jsp-files for the different form elements in webapp/WEB-INF/jsp/elements
  • adapt the tabs of the start page in webapp/WEB-INF/jsp/start
  • new webapp/WEB-INF/jsp/body_sensor.jsp and webapp/WEB-INF/jsp/body_acousticSensor.jsp to define which elements should contain the form
  • adapt `webapp/WEB-INF/jsp/finished.jsp`` for the error message and the case that the page is shown after the "web- service" start tab
  • adapt webapp/WEB-INF/jsp/menu.jsp to show the right error message
  • adapt webapp/WEB-INF/jsp/selectStates.jsp for updating and inserting the sensor description at the SOS

Build sub modules of the project

If only one of the sub modules should be build with maven, then go to the main folder of the whole project. With the attribute -pl a specific modul can be selected:

mvn clean package -pl smartsensoreditor-webapp

With the following command all dependencies of the module are build as well (details):

mvn clean package -pl smartsensoreditor-webapp -am

How to start the integration tests?

By default no integration tests are executed during the command "clean install". The integration test checks the communication between the SmartSensorEditor and the SOS. The following operations are checked:

get/insert/update/delete sensor description.

If you would like to execute them, then you need to create a file. You have to define the service url and the authorization token of the SOS. It should look like that:


This propwerty file should be put into your home folder (/home/person for linux). To build the maven project and execute the integration test go to the main folder of the SmartSensorEditor project. With the attribute -P a specific Profile can be chosen. Use the following command to start the integration tests for the SmartSensorEditor: ``` mvn -P itestsos clean install ```

How to create my own form?

Please see the smartEditor developer documentation.


If you have further questions, contact Daniel: @nuest,


The software is released under the Apache License version 2. (

For used libraries see the NOTICE file.