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1. Dashboard

Ekaterina Sevashko edited this page Jul 21, 2023 · 10 revisions

1.1 View a Report from a Timeline.


  1. The user is authorized.
  2. At least three cameras are added.
  3. The cameras have at least one algorithm other than min Max control.


  1. Go to Dashboard, Timelines module.
  2. Filter reports so that only the reports from two specific algorithms display.

Frame 2608788

  1. Filter reports so that only the reports from two specific cameras display.
  2. Change the date.

Frame 2608788 (1)

  1. Zoom in a timeline.

Frame 2608788 (2)

  1. Click on a report on the timeline.
  2. Switch between different photos of the report.

Frame 2608789

  1. Switch between different reports.

Frame 2608789 (1)

  1. Open the video report.

Frame 2608800

  1. Download the video.

1.2 - View a Report from Reports


  1. The user is authorized.
  2. At least three cameras are added.
  3. The cameras have at least one algorithm other than min Max control.


  1. Go to Dashboard, Reports module.
  2. Filter reports so that only the reports from two specific algorithms display.

Frame 2608790

  1. Filter reports so that only the reports from two specific cameras display.
  2. Change the date.

Frame 2608790 (1)

  1. Click on a report.
  2. Zoom in the report photo.

Frame 2608790 (2)

  1. Switch between different photos of the report.

Frame 2608791

  1. Zoom out the report photo.

Frame 2608792

  1. Open the video report.

Frame 2608801

  1. Download the video.
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