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4. Inventory

Ekaterina Sevashko edited this page Jul 21, 2023 · 29 revisions

4.1 - Main Use Case


  1. The user is authorized.
  2. At least one camera is connected.
  3. At least two items are added.


  1. Go to Inventory module.
  2. Sort items so that the items in stock appear at the top.
  3. Find an item using the search function.
  4. View the latest photo of this item.
  5. View how the stock level of the item was changing today.


  1. View the photo of the item taken 3 hours ago.
  2. View how the stock level of the item was changing 3 days ago.

4.2 - Add a New Item

4.2.1 - Add a New Box Item


  1. The user is authorized.
  2. At least one camera is connected.


  1. Go to Inventory module.
  2. Click Add item button.

Frame 2608795

  1. Click on Select Detected object.

Frame 2608796

  1. Choose Box.
  2. Fill in Item name - “Fixings”.
  3. Fill in Low stock level - 15.
  4. Select a camera.
  5. Zoom in the camera.
  6. Select 2 areas to track.
  7. Save the item.

4.2.2 - Add a New Bottle Item


  1. The user is authorized.
  2. At least one camera is connected.


  1. Go to Inventory module.
  2. Click Add item button.

Frame 2608795

  1. Click on Select Detected object.

Frame 2608796

  1. Choose Bottle.
  2. Fill in Item name - “Water 5l.”.
  3. Fill in Low stock level - 4.
  4. Select a camera.
  5. Zoom in the camera.
  6. Select 2 areas to track.
  7. Save the item.

4.2.3 - Add a New Red line Item


  1. The user is authorized.
  2. At least one camera is connected.


  1. Go to Inventory module.
  2. Click Add item button.

Frame 2608795

  1. Click on Select Detected object.

Frame 2608796

  1. Choose Red line.
  2. Fill in Item name - “Wheels”.
  3. Fill in Low stock level - 15.
  4. Select a camera.
  5. Zoom in the camera.
  6. Select 2 areas to track.
  7. Save the item.

Potential Faults Check

  1. Item name is empty.
  2. Incorrect data is entered.
  3. Chosen area intersects with the area of another item.

4.3 - Edit an item


  1. The user is authorized.
  2. At least one item is added.


  1. Go to Inventory module.
  2. Go to the menu of an item.

Frame 2608732

  1. Choose Edit the item.

Frame 2608734

  1. Change Item name.
  2. Change low stock level.
  3. Change camera.
  4. Change the area to track.
  5. Save the item.

Potential Faults Check

  1. Item name is empty.
  2. Incorrect data is entered.
  3. Chosen area intersects with the area of another item.

4.4 - Delete an Item


  1. The user is authorized.
  2. At least one item is added.


  1. Go to Inventory module.
  2. Go to the menu of an item.

Frame 2608732

  1. Choose Delete the item.
  2. Confirm deletion of the item.


4.5 - Set Up Working Time


  1. The user is authorized.


  1. Go to Inventory module.
  2. Go to Inventory settings.

Frame 2608797

  1. Set up working time from 8:00 to 19:00.

Frame 454

  1. Save changes.

Potential Faults Check

  1. Start time is later than end time.
  2. Incorrect data is entered.
  3. One or two fields are empty.

4.6 - Set up notifications about the item level


  1. The user is authorized.
  2. At least one item is added.
  3. At least one supplier with an email is added to Contacts.
  4. At least one internal contact’s email is added in Configuration, Notifications.


  1. Go to Inventory module.
  2. Click on the menu of an item.
  3. Choose Edit the item.
  4. Click on Edit notifications.

Frame 2608798

  1. Enter an email in the To field.
  2. Enter an email in the Copy field.
  3. Click on add a contact icon and add a contact to the To field.

Frame 2608799

  1. Click on add a contact icon and add a contact to the Copy field.
  2. Change the subject of the email.
  3. Save changes.
  4. Save the item.

Potential Faults Check

  1. Incorrect email is entered.
  2. To field is empty, Copy field id filled in.
  3. Subject field is empty.
  4. Added email is edited.
  5. A supplier's contact was deleted after it had been added to the recipients of notifications.
  6. An internal contact was deleted after it had been added to the recipients of notifications.

Connected scenarios:

5.3 - Set up SMTP server for email notifications

5.4 - Specify the emails that will get notifications about low stock level

6.1 - Add My Company Information

6.2 - Add a Supplier Contact