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Lab 3b -- Caches + Processor

This section of the lab will involve connecting your caches into your processor from labs 2b and 3a.

Start by copying pipelined.bsv from lab2_b into this lab. Then copy Cache32.bsv, Cache512.bsv, and your updated MemTypes.bsv from lab3_a into this lab.

Note: if you did not finish lab2_b, you can copy the contents of multicycle.bsv into pipelined.bsv instead (albeit renaming appropriate things). You will want to eventually finish lab2_b since the rest of the semester builds upon it (and this!).

Your goal

You will need to populate CacheInterface.bsv with proper instruction and data L1 caches that connect to a shared L2 cache, which in turn connects to main memory. Almost all your changes will be to this file.

This should look like:

      MAIN MEM
    |           |
  IMEM L1    DMEM L1
    |           |

You want two L1 (32 bit) caches -- one for data and one for instructions. A single L2 (512 bit) is shared and main memory is connected to L2. We instantiate the main pieces of state in CacheInterface, but you will need to add some bookkeeping state elements and rules. These state elements will mostly be FIFOs and registers/EHRs. We expect to see no BRAMs other than the ones that already exist in your caches and main memory.

module mkCacheInterface(CacheInterface);
    MainMem mainMem <- mkMainMem(); 
    Cache512 cacheL2 <- mkCache;
    Cache32 cacheI <- mkCache32;
    Cache32 cacheD <- mkCache32;
    // ...

The interface you must implement in mkCacheInterface is this:

interface CacheInterface;
    method Action sendReqData(CacheReq req);
    method ActionValue#(Word) getRespData();
    method Action sendReqInstr(CacheReq req);
    method ActionValue#(Word) getRespInstr();

The two L1 caches, the L2 cache, and the main memory live inside our CacheInterface. All four methods talk to the processor. We have one pair for data (sendReqData and getRespData) and one pair for instructions (sendReqInstr and getRespInstr). Our infrastructure in top_pipelined will drive the communication between the memory and the processor.

Hint: You may want to use BypassFIFOs to support your methods in a similar way as your processor uses its getIReq, getDReq, etc. methods. Then you can do most of your logic inside your rules.

In lab2_b, your processor spoke to a really big two-ported BRAM. Now it speaks to the CacheInterface. You need to build the plumbing:

  • between the processor and the two L1 caches. (easy)
  • between the two L1 caches and the L2 cache. (less easy)
  • between the L2 cache and the main memory. (easy)

You will not need to modify much, if any, of your L1 and L2 caches or your processor to complete this lab.

Be aware that you have two L1 caches that share an L2 cache. Fortunately, all the addresses have always been in the same address space, even in lab2_b. If you look inside the old top_pipelined.bsv, and you will see your processor had been talking to a big BRAM for both instructions and data.

The main challenge is that you must design logic to manage the flow of requests and responses between the L2 cache and the two L1 caches. It can be difficult to debug such logic, so be sure to use a healthy system of $display statements and to approach the problem systematically.

Hint: You may want to maintain a FIFO queue that will keep track of the order in which your L1 caches request from L2. The responses from L2 should return to their respective L1 cache depending on what order value you put in the FIFO.

L2 cache should connect directly to main memory, which uses the following interface:

interface MainMem;
    method Action put(MainMemReq req);
    method ActionValue#(MainMemResp) get();

put sends a request (address) to memory, get returns the resulting line of data. See the MemTypes.bsv for information on the types. Connecting the L2 cache to the main memory should be significantly easier than connecting the L1 caches to L2.

Running tests

We test your system in a very similar way to lab2_b.

Run make all first. then....

We have a collection of a few tests: add32, and32, or32, hello32, thelie32, mul32, ... (see the full list in test/build/)

To run one of those tests specifically you can do:

./run_pipelined add32

Those will generate a trace pipelined.log that can be opened in Konata (see below).

You can also run all the tests with:


All tests but matmul32 typically take less than 2s to finish. matmul32 is much slower (30s to 1mn).

Note: The testbench top_pipelined has been modified from lab2_b to use the CacheInterface instead of the old BRAM. Please do not overwrite it with the version from lab2_b.

You will also need python3 installed and in your path (i.e. can run python3 in terminal/command prompt) to run the tests. (For enrichment: we use an script to transfrom our previous mem.vmh files, which were used to populate 32-bit BRAM entries, into memlines.vmh files that are used to populate 512-bit entries in our main memory.)

How does testing work?

(For enrichment)

Your processor gets its instructions from its memory, and its memory is loaded from the mem.vmh file. Our test script moves a prebuilt RISC-V hex file from the test/build directory into mem.vmh and then calls the simulator that runs the top file that corresponds with whichever processor you're testing. If you're using the run_<something>.sh scripts, they also convert the intermediate Konata logs into a human-readable Konata log, which is how you see things like li a0 0 in the Konata visualization.

If you want to produce your own tests, you can do two things:

  • Write your own RISC-V assembly and compile it into an elf
  • Write your own C code and compile it into RISC-V elf

then convert that elf into a hex file, hence the elf2hex tool we have in the directory. (Note: run make clean; make in the elf2hex directory before use if not on Linux amd64). We don't expect you'll need to produce any tests yourself, but they are here if you want them.

If you do make your own tests, feel free to share the hex files on the Piazza. We have a rather boring and minimal set of tests, and I'm sure your peers would be delighted to see whatever fun tests you cook up! But it is not necessary for the lab.


make submit will do it all for you :)

Deadline: March 14, 2024 at 9:30am.


In what ways do your Konata log look different, e.g., for a test like thelie32? Do you see any room for improvement?

Why do we use a separate L1 caches for instructions and data? Why not just a single cache?

Why do we use both an L1 and L2 cache? Which would be faster on a real processor?

The L2 cache has only a single port for requests and a single port for responses. How significant would you expect this to be for performance since both L1 caches must share these ports? And in practice?

What might happen in our current implementation if a program tries to modify the instructions? What if we try to execute instructions held in data?

We use the same cache structure for Imem and Dmem. How might you simplify the Imem cache to make it more efficient in terms of hardware usage? Hint: think about how instruction accesses differ from data accesses.