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ILWriter Delegate

Greg G edited this page Dec 31, 2016 · 1 revision

ILWriter.Delegate contains 54 overloads. Overloads are classed by pair, with one pair having the following structure:

public ILWriter Delegate<TA, TB, TC>(TA a, TB b, TC c, Action<TA, TB, TC> action);

public ILWriter Delegate<TA, TB, TC, TReturn>(TA a, TB b, TC c, Func<TA, TB, TC, TReturn> func);

All Delegate methods accept from 0 to 26 arguments, and a delegate. All arguments MUST be constants, as defined by ILWriter.IsConstant<T>(). string, char, null and all numeric types except decimal are considered constants.

If you wish to access a parameter or variable by index or name, typed or not, pass Context.Argument, Context.Variable or Context.This as an argument.

If an overload with an Action parameter is used, the last ret opcode will be removed, allowing the function to go on.


Adding a null-check to a method can be done this way:

      .Delegate(Context.Argument(parameter.Index), parameter.Name, (a, b) =>
          if (a.Value == null)
              throw new ArgumentNullException(b);