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yarn add memory-orm

Quick Start

const { Rule, Set, Query } = require('memory-orm')

new Rule('todo').schema(function () {

new Rule('check').schema(function () {

    _id: 1,
    label: '歯を磨く',
    _id: 2,
    label: '宿題をする',
    _id: 3,
    label: 'お風呂はいる',

    _id: 1,
    todo_id: 1,
    label: '右上',
    checked: true,
    _id: 2,
    todo_id: 1,
    label: '左上',
    checked: true,
    _id: 3,
    todo_id: 3,
    label: 'シャワー浴びる',
    checked: false,
    _id: 4,
    todo_id: 3,
    label: '肩まで入って10数える',
    checked: true,

Query.todos.find(3).checks.where({ checked: true }).list
Query.todos.find(3).checks.where({ checked: false }).list

map reduce

name target action
count count reduce +
all all reduce +
all, count avg all / count
all, count variance variance sample.
all, count sd standard deviation.
pow pow reduce *
pow, count avg pow / count
list list listup object ( key is not use )
set set, hash hash has item by key. set is unique keys.
min min, min_is pick min key. min_is is item.
max max, max_is pick max key. max_is is item.
min, max range max - min
min, max, all range, density all / range
const { Rule, Set, Query } = require("memory-orm");

new Rule("position").schema(function() {
  this.model = class model extends this.model {
    static map_reduce (o, emit) {
      for ( const p of o.position ) {
        emit("position", { count: 1, all: p, min: p, max: p})

  "_id": "x1",
  "position": [40,60,80,100,200]
  "_id": "y1",
  "position": [70,190,220,160,240]
  "_id": "x2",
  "position": [40,60,80,100,200]
  "_id": "y2",
  "position": [20,90,20,60,40]

{ count, all, avg, density, min, min_is, max, max_is, range } = Query.where({_id: "x1"}).reduce.position


name target action
belongs_to data's prototype is Query[key].find( object index or )
page separate by page-size. see:
sort lodash.orderBy(...key)
diff diff calculate differential. use with sort.
cover remain, cover key has full index. cover has index. remain not has index.
pluck get path data by list values.
index group by item[key].
const { Rule, Set, Query } = require('memory-orm')

new Rule('check').schema(function () {
  this.model = class model extends this.model {
    static map_reduce(o, emit) {
      emit('asc', { list: true })
      emit('desc', { list: true })
    static order(o, emit) {
      emit('asc', 'list', { sort: ['label', 'asc'] })
      emit('desc', 'list', { sort: ['label', 'desc'] })

    _id: 1,
    todo_id: 1,
    label: '右上',
    checked: true,
    _id: 2,
    todo_id: 1,
    label: '左上',
    checked: true,
    _id: 3,
    todo_id: 3,
    label: 'シャワー浴びる',
    checked: false,
    _id: 4,
    todo_id: 3,
    label: '肩まで入って10数える',
    checked: true,


class list


style name action
get id same as _id
static deploy(model) event when Set item. this is item. model is class.
static update(item, old_item) event when add data exist.
static create(item) event when add data not exist.
static delete(old_item) event when del data exist.
static bless(item) value become extends this
static map_partition(item, emit) define map reduce. emit is function.
static map_reduce(item, emit) define map reduce. emit is function.
static order(item, emit) define order process for reduced value.


style name action
. pluck(...keys) listup by keys for item.
. where(...) create query. see Query#where
. in(...) create query. see Query#in
get first [0]
get head [0]
get tail [length - 1]
get last [length - 1]
get uniq get unique values
const { list } = Query.checks.reduce.asc


style name action
. schema(dsl) execute schema definition dsl.
. key_by(keys) id value. default: _id
. key_by(callback) callback return id. default: this._id
. deploy(callback) data adjust before Set.
. scope(callback) define query shorthand and cached.
. property(...) define property shorthand.
. default_scope(callback) root Query replace.
. shuffle() root Query replace. and replace sort order by Math.random.
. order(...) root Query replace. and replace order.
. sort(...) root Query replace. and replace order.
. path(...keys) set name property. for id separate by '-'. add argument '*', tree structure by id.
. belongs_to(to, options) set target property. find by ${target}_id
. habtm(to, option) set target property. finds by ${target}_ids
. has_many(to, option) set target property. find from ${target}_id by _id
. tree(option) set 'nodes' method. scan recursivery by ${target}_id
. graph(option) set 'path' method. scan recursivery by ${target}_id
. model Model base class ( need extends )
. list List base class ( need extends )
. set Set base class ( need extends )
. map Map base class ( need extends )
new Rule('todo').schema(function () {
  this.key_by(function () {
    return this._id
  this.deploy(function (model) {
    this.search_words = this.label
  this.scope(function (all) {
    return {
      scan: (word) => all.where({ checked: true }).search(word),


style name action
. transaction(callback, meta) get transaction diff data.
. store(meta) merge transaction diff data.
. step.< plural name > countup if data manipulation.
get mixin for vue.js mixin.

Set.< base name >

style name action
. set set data. and old data cleanup.
. reset set data. and old data cleanup.
. merge set data.
. add set datum.
. append set datum.
. reject remove data.
. del remove datum.
. remove remove datum.
. clear_cache recalculate query caches.
. refresh recalculate query caches.
. rehash recalculate query caches.
. find pick first data from all memory by ids. and mark for transaction.
const {
  checks: {
} = State.transaction(=>{
    _id: 10,
    todo_id: 1,
    label: "新しい項目",
    checked: true
  Set.check.del({ _id: 10 })
}){ checks: { $sort, $memory, $format }})))

Query.< plural name >

style name action
. where({ [key]: val }) copy Query and add conditions. same (o)=> val === o[key]
. where({ [key]: /regexp/ }) copy Query and add conditions. same (o)=> (/regexp/).test( o[key] )
. where({ [key]: [...args] }) copy Query and add conditions. same (o)=> args.includes( o[key] )
. in({ [key]: val }) copy Query and add conditions. same (o)=> o[key].includes( val )
. in({ [key]: /regexp/ }) copy Query and add conditions. same (o)=> o[key].find((oo)=> (/regexp/).test( oo ))
. in({ [key]: [...args] }) copy Query and add conditions. same (o)=> o[key].find((oo)=> args.find((arg)=> oo == arg))
. partition(keys) copy Query and replace partition keys. default: ["set"]
. search(text) copy Query and add conditions. for "q.search_words"
. shuffle() copy Query and replace sort order by Math.random.
. distance(key, "asc", [...point]) copy Query and replace order. near o[key] is top.
. distance(key, "desc", [...point]) copy Query and replace order. far o[key] is top.
. order(keys, order) copy Query and replace order.
. sort(...sort) copy Query and replace order's sort parameter. same this.order({ sort })
. page(size) copy Query and replace page_by. if order option set page: true, resuls page separated list.
. find(...ids) pick first data from hash by ids.
. finds(ids) pick all data from hash by ids.
. pluck(...keys) get path data by keys.
get reduce calculate map reduce.
get list calculate list. ( same reduce.list )
get hash calculate hash. ( same reduce.hash )
get ids calculate hash and get keys.
get memory all stored data.{ position: 100 }).pluck('_id'){ position: [100, 90] }).pluck('_id')
Query.checks.sort('label', 'desc').pluck('label')
Query.checks.order({ sort: ['label', 'desc'] }).pluck('label')[0][0][0][1][0][2][1][0]


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