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sciter in-app analytics

This is a sciter.js package for in-app analytics.

The general idea is to record what users do within the application in order to optimize the user experience within the app.

Two types of events are recorded:

  • events that are triggered by user actions (e.g. clicking a button)
  • events that are triggered by the application (e.g. a page is loaded)

The following application analytics providers have been implemented:


  • git clone the repository
  • install packages npm install
  • install the latest sciter sdk npm run install-sdk
  • update the mixpanel project token or amplitude api key
  • start the demo npm run scapp

demo requirements

  • A recent version of Node.js node (tested with 16 LTS) and its package manager npm.

add to your project

using npm

  • install package npm install sciter-analytics
import Mixpanel from "node_modules/sciter-analytics/src/mixpanel.js";
import Amplitude from "node_modules/sciter-analytics/src/amplitude.js";

using source

  • copy the src dir to your project

Add to your project inside <script type="module">

import Mixpanel from "src/mixpanel.js";
import Amplitude from "src/amplitude.js";

Mixpanel sample

const mixpanel = new Mixpanel({
    // project token
    token: "c557e826f1a76aaa4ed02e4681f95ae4",
    // user unique id
    userId: Utils.uuid(),
    debug: true,

// add user properties{
    // reserved properties
    $name: "John Doe",
    $email: "",

    // custom properties
    address: "Some street",
    birthday: "1987-02-11",

// log event
mixpanel.event("App started");

// watch for event"focus", "plaintext", "plaintext focused");

// send data

Amplitude sample

const amplitude = new Amplitude({
    apikey: "0fad02b65a75f270c199db6b920fbf92",
    userId: Utils.randomStr(10),
    debug: true,
    eventProperties: {
        appName: "Sciter analytics",
        appRelease: "debug",

amplitude.event("Start app");

// watch app close"closerequest", undefined, "App close request");

// watch app install click"click", "#installApp1", "Install app", {
    appName: "app 1",
});"click", "#installApp2", "Install app", {
    appName: "app 2",
});"click", "#installApp3", "Install app", {
    appName: "app 3",

other providers to consider