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ideas for the Universal Subtitles firefox addon

ReidW edited this page Oct 26, 2010 · 5 revisions

I was thinking that it should be possible to create a firefox addon that when you go to youtube and go to watch a video it automatically adds the US (Universal Subtitles) button below it. it would be much nicer then having to go to the universal subtitles site and past the address in to see if it has subs.

So far I have an idea for the start of the code.

that should add the universal subtitles button to all youtube videos.

but that is jQuery which -should- work in a firefox extension. (dunno)

you would need the addon to have all of the universal subtitles javascript files and css files inside of it then an addition javascript which would look kind of like this: [[]]

that should work as far as making the subtitles button appear, then after that a the normal US javascript/css files should kick in and function as normal. that is my presumption anyway.

comments? I'd love to hear from people that know a bit more than me about programming.