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Repository files navigation[username]


  1. multi-user blog
  2. French language
  3. post news
  4. Form Ajax UI
  5. mysqldb backend

Tech spec

initial requirements:

  • Django hotsauce 1.4
  • Python 3
  • Django 3.1.1
  • mysqldb


Login: /login/ -> Support OAuth2 authentication -> cookies (session)

Register: /register/

Post: /submit/ -> Create a new post instance -> tagging/categories -> image support/upload

class Post(models.Model): "A post sent by a user" user category (optional) comments tags (optional) image (optional) text = Bonjour le monde, vive les merdias!

class Comment(models.Model): "A reply to a post by a registered user" post user image (optional)

class LoginController(FormController): "Allow people to login/register"

class FormController(WSGIController): "Standalone controller to interact with forms using ajax"

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