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AdieDickKC edited this page Jun 11, 2024 · 1 revision

Curtain Control

The curtains for the side windows, within gallery and top floor corridor, are operated electronically.

When the projection room circuits are turned on the curtains can only be controlled from within the projection room.

Projection room control

The side curtains are controlled within the projection room using the green box, with many switches, to the right hand end of the worktop, below the screen. 2024-05-24_20-33-07_810

Pictograms next to each switch indicate which curtain they operate.

Top-floor corridor curtain

Briefly pulling the single switch on the top row triggers the curtain to move until completely open or closed. Pulling while moving will stop the movement, the next pull will move in the opposite direction.

Gallery curtains

  • Pull a single switch from the middle row to open/close the corresponding curtain.
  • Push up one or more switches from the middle row, then pull the centre bottom switch to open/close the selected curtains. Set middle row switches to the centre position to deselect.
  • Pull the bottom right switch to open/close all the gallery curtains.
  • Pull the bottom left switch to partially open/close all the gallery curtains - use the dial on the front to set limit of motion.

Pulling a switch will stop the current movement, the next pull will move in the opposite direction.

Open or shut?

During the week

All the curtains should be open throughout the week to allow natural light within the auditorium.

Morning services

  • Shut the top-floor corridor curtain to reduce glare, in addition to reducing distraction while children go to their groups.
  • Partially close the front gallery curtains on bright days to reduce glare on the main projector screen

Evening services

  • Shut all curtains, to aid the 'lights down' ambience
  • Consider shutting the roof blind on summer evenings.